Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] into [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although creeks are thought to be largely areas of non-deposition rather than areas of erosion , the scour of the tide along them may cause some lateral erosion and water draining at times of very high tides from areas behind the zone of creeks may plunge into the heads of the creeks and so cause a certain amount of headward erosion .
2 Thus while from the point of view of community members , situations may fall into the categories of " Patois " ( e.g. playground interactions with other black children ) or " non-Patois " ( e.g. talking to a teacher ) , what this means is that in a " Patois " situation , it is permitted to use Creole at certain times .
3 This has led to concern by environmental groups that some may fall into the hands of terrorists or governments keen to develop nuclear weapons , during shipment to Japan .
4 The monthly Civil Engineer and Architects Journal , in its March edition , said that Hall was ‘ indulging the weakness of feeling annoyed that the scheme on which he had so greatly and justly plumed himself should fall into the hands of his successor ’ .
5 And running under a certain island which is called Clauda , we had much work to come by the boat : which when they had taken up , they used helps , undergirding the ship ; and , fearing lest they should fall into the quicksands , struck sail , and so were driven . ’
6 Better that she should suffer his anger and displeasure than that he should fall into the clutches of the lord of Parfois .
7 To prepare these financial statements accountants must break into the records of a continuous stream of transactions ( i.e. events which affect the financial position of a business ) at regular intervals to identify and measure the revenues and expenses relating to an accounting period
8 Sensitive Sunday 's a time when you must tune into the needs and longings of loved ones .
9 Yet it too must fit into the confines of Studio D. To increase its apparent depth several backdrops have been added to the sets , including one to make the corridors seem much longer .
10 If literature and its related activities are tainted with ‘ middle-class ’ exclusiveness and , it appears , that teachers engaging pupils in these are ‘ imposing ’ alien values upon working-class pupils , it follows that they must move into the lives of working-class pupils to encourage that culture which , up till now , the largely irrelevant curriculum has ‘ stifled ’ [ … ]
11 Many of the suggestions made by the Government in the citizens charter give us an opportunity to contribute our own ideas to what should go into the citizens charter and for those ideas to expand and to grow as a result of the kernel in the programme that the Government have produced .
12 Gin , we are told , is one of the purest spirits made , and juniper berries , the baies de genièvre or ginepro from which Geneva or gin derived its name , provide the characteristic flavouring which everyone who ever drank a glass of gin in their lives would recognize when he tastes the juniper-berry flavour in Provençal game terrines and certain Northern Italian sauces and stuffings for partridge and pheasant ; and eau de vie de genièvre is a spirit used in French and Belgian Ardennais regional cooking , so it seems extraordinary that people blanch at the suggestion that gin should go into the casseroles .
13 We must go into the reasons why we sometimes lose our lead [ in a technology ] and spend large sums of money on purchasing abroad equipment or technology which we are fully able to make for ourselves , often indeed at a higher quality level .
14 He must go into the villages , and see the natives at work in the gardens , on the beach , in the jungle …
15 ‘ If we win four of our nine games we should get into the play-offs . ’
16 ‘ These have been Jeremy 's best sessions so far , and hopefully if his luck changes the team will not be surprised if he should get into the points .
17 And then you 'll walk into the careers officers when they come in from school and they go , ah
18 Economic setbacks in Europe might play into the hands of the USSR .
19 It might get into the papers , and then she 'd be down here knocking on my door and screaming blue murder .
20 ‘ I 'm worried that the pills might get into the hands of children . ’
21 Or he could sell most of his land to Mr Big and his house and a few acres could fall into the hands of a merchant banker who wants somewhere quiet with a paddock for the daughter 's ponies .
22 He feared that the plutonium reclaimed at the plant from irradiated fuels could fall into the hands of terrorists and be used to make crude atom bombs .
23 ‘ The Met have now provided him with round-the-clock protection as they fear the filofax could fall into the hands of the IRA , ’ said the source .
24 Labour 's defence spokesman has expressed fears that a missile system being developed in the region could fall into the hands of Iraq .
25 " I wonder , " she said , " if a woman could fall into the ways and after a while it would n't bother her .
26 Er , you know , Jane Austen , and and Bronte , they wrote quite a lot about clothes which meant probably , but always , I felt the Trollope could see into the minds of women you know , and he was good .
27 From here she could see into the fields .
28 It was found that everyone could fit into the cellars , if the need arose , but £200 had to be spent on fans to improve the ventilation .
29 She did not approve of amateurs , especially amateurs who thought they could step into the shoes of professional models .
30 And for gentlemen , for men of property , the idea that the unpropertied working class should be represented in Parliament simply could not arise , any more than the reformers , with few exceptions , could enter into the minds of working people or sympathise with the political aspirations of their leaders .
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