Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] them on [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you have any other items you wish to raise at the meeting , please advise me beforehand so that I may include them on the agenda .
2 It should out-point them on the rough stuff , too , for the Range Rover is still king of the wild frontiers .
3 Godparents , these state that you should keep them on the straight and narrow
4 They were not going to fight any more , and we decided we must leave them on the island .
5 You must tell them on the phone after telling them the price and what it 's all about you say , Right when I come round tomorr er whenever to er strike up the deal with you I want the contract signed I need a thirty five percent of the first year 's payment as a deposit cheque .
6 May 29 , 1975 The defendant solicitors issued a third party notice against the barrister whose advice they had taken , asking that he should indemnify them on the grounds that they had acted on his advice .
7 You 'll want them on a long-line sweater or jacket , or else on a kind of Jolly Roger jumpsuit .
8 . Here briefly , because we 'll see them on the inside , you 've got the main bed-chambers above .
9 We 'll see them on the telly then .
10 But Ramsay might meet them on the way .
11 ‘ I 'll leave them on the mat inside the door so you can change into them , then your clogs wo n't wake me up from my nap .
12 Now I 've got some tables in the car , and if you 'd like me to fetch them during break , I 'll , I 'll leave them on the table for you .
13 So we 'll get them on the ph blower .
14 Erm but I 'm hoping they 'll put them on a , on the table when we sell them in here and there 's that 's the first thing that 'll hit them is the turned legs you see ?
15 I 'll take these clothes down and you fold them on the bed there , nicely , then we 'll put them on the cart .
16 Swindon Town are hoping it 'll put them on the road to Wembley .
17 He asked only that Lionel might accompany them on the trip .
18 The smaller bits we 'd look at for a time and then he 'd throw them on the fire .
19 We could hang them on the walls .
20 And he 'd clip them on the clip them on the rope and take 'em to the pit bottom .
21 Now they will be scared rigid of stepping up and saying anything which could land them on the same mat upon which Lamb was so unfairly punished at Lord 's yesterday .
22 ‘ Oh , I could do them on the train to the City some morning every week . ’
23 Now he was n't held down , he could unleash them on the world .
24 you could have them on a lead could n't you ?
25 You started , I forget one , you know they 'd put them on the bo It was all board and slates , there were no books , you know , no papers .
26 I thought I 'd put them on the window sill I think
27 Moreover , if they were , in themselves , to constitute measures relating to the conservation of fishery resources ( which , in the light of paragraph 11 of the judgment in Pesca Valentia Ltd. v. Minister for Fisheries and Forestry ( Case 223/86 ) [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 83 , 107 , is very doubtful in the case of requirements relating to the characteristics of the natural or legal persons who are the owners of the fishing vessels ) , they would fall ‘ fully and definitively ’ within the competence of the Community ( see the judgment in the Pesca Valentia case , at pp. 106–107 , para. 10 ) and hence the member states could adopt them on the basis of an express and clear delegation of powers .
28 Mortimer advised him to find a linguistics expert who could advise them on the meaning of the word ‘ bollocks ’ .
29 Then he 'd , he used to try them on the hairs on his arm and if that cut them off that suited him you see
30 Into these , just a crate , and they used to get the old pigs and they used to shove 'em in there , shove the trap down , and they used to load them on the ships , they went back to Poland .
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