Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] them [adv] with " in BNC.

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1 Leave those there I 'll take them up with me .
2 Then , ‘ All right , I 'll take them back with me .
3 He was taking a group of his own men plus dogs and their handlers out to the helicopter base where he could brief them together with the pilots .
4 He 'd flick them out with an old hickory shafted wedge and say , ‘ Keep going , son . ’
5 If you could bring them up with you , Christina , that would be great . ’
6 Hollywood produced duds too , but could package them up with surefire-winners like the Chaplin shorts and insist that the cinema booker buy everything in the package .
7 ‘ We could hold them up with it .
8 On some , the roofs were so flimsy they could pull them off with rakes alone .
9 You 're very perceptive , because there are things playing on my mind , and yes … it would help me so much if I could talk them over with someone .
10 The illustrations were line drawings and she used to colour them in with crayons after each new plant had been correctly named .
11 I mean they were lovely boots I mean a pair of water boots three pounds twelve and six and we used to put them , er make 'em soft , we used to do them over with text oil .
12 Bunkers , coal , they all coal furnace you see , and we er they 'd come in and we used to fill them up with coal , whatever they wanted lot of that went over the side coal , beautiful coal that was .
13 Nobody would hear them fucking with all those frogs croaking , that was the idea .
14 If they were opposed , it would take only 24 hours , but if there was no opposition it would take twice that time , because the cheering Romanian population would hold them up with their welcome .
15 After a while I thought I would help them along with some cellulite massage cream .
16 People do seem to find some goals more attractive than others and will pursue them sometimes with frenetic activity .
17 She will carry them around with her , and is likely to prove aggressive if you try to take them away during this phase .
18 Give a financial market bad instructions and it will carry them out with ruthless efficiency
19 ‘ Then he can tie them up with the firm .
20 Mm I know you can take them along with you nowadays ca n't you and into a
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