Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] up to the " in BNC.

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1 They ought to stand up to the goons . ’
2 He should face up to the need to release those much-needed funds for Scotland .
3 And for this reason I should move up to the company 's Gold Card program .
4 ‘ Those who argue that maybe we should just once more try to delay it must face up to the responsibility that they may , by their good intentions , create much more suffering than anything we have seen so far .
5 Harris accuses Cole of ‘ stepping away from a system that must face up to the hypocrisy behind pretending to give a helping hand ’ and ignoring the way this system ‘ ( ab ) uses the South … and , in the words of Eduardo Galeano , ‘ spreads the haemorrage to cure the anaemia' ’ .
6 I would n't have omitted him three hours before , but now it seemed I must face up to the situation as it was without him .
7 The situation is defined as one where ‘ you ca n't tell a teacher what you 're going to do , ’ the child who resists must face up to the consequence that ‘ you 've got to accept that you 're going to get into more and more trouble . ’
8 They must face up to the limitations of the Western model — though the baby of Western expertise should not be thrown out with the bathwater of its failings .
9 We must face up to the harsh fact that the present social and economic pattern of farming in the EEC can no longer be maintained .
10 The debate on the Bill to bring back whipping was a thoroughly undignified affair in which the principles of the matter seemed to count less than considerations such as the size and weight of the flogging instrument to be used : calculations made necessary no less by the desire to limit the discretion of ‘ judges infected by maudlin sentimentality ’ , than by the requirement that it should measure up to the brutes who were ‘ so degraded , that they could only be deterred by forcible appeals to their fear of physical pain ’ .
11 Around her the congregation rustled to its feet , indicating that she should go up to the communion rail first , as was fitting , as was customary .
12 A counsel was held lots were who should walk up to the master after supper that evening and ask for more , it fell Oliver Twist
13 Bear in mind that all sections must add up to the overall length measurement .
14 Because of the continuous pressure exerted by Irish , Black and other women over the years , some English Women 's Movement has died and that if they want must wake up to the fact that the middle-class , gentile English Women 's Movement had died and that if they want to go on referring to us as ethnic minorities then they will have to include themselves as a separate group .
15 They were all duly sentenced , those villagers of Snodland , were to walk bare foot after the procession on the following Sunday , each charged to carry a taper worth a halfpenny which they should offer up to the Holy Cross .
16 Is Queenie Warley suggesting that our council tenants should decamp up to the north of England ?
17 It is part of the players ' contracts that all the semi-finalists must turn up to the function after the World Open title .
18 I 'll go up to the house and phone the police and get an ambulance to stand by .
19 We 'll go up to the house and have a talk . ’
20 ‘ I think I 'll go up to the Cathedral , ’ says the sergeant .
21 I 'll go up to the bathroom . ’
22 If she does n't , we 'll go up to the Union Workhouse , next week , and get a girl .
23 We 'll go up to the belvedere .
24 We 'll go up to the ridge . ’
25 We 'll go up to the house and I 'll fix it . ’
26 I 'll go up to the office , that 's not Teresa 's diary , it 's mine !
27 We went in the Gra Grand just done the lounge at the Grand and when we had our first car and I went round to see mother and I said come on , we 'll go up to the , take you up to the Grand and have a drink .
28 Well if everybody wants to , I 'll , I 'll give everybody one of these and I 'll go up to the top
29 okay , we 'll go up to the Rose and
30 One of his mates thinks he said he might go up to the Common .
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