Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] been [v-ing] some " in BNC.

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1 By now the coroner should have been singing some lewd song at the top of his voice , bellowing abuse at the landlord , or urging Athelstan to come back to his house in Cheapside .
2 So she must have been wearing some funny shoes to get corns on
3 He must have been causing some problems .
4 The suddenness of the increased use of artillery in the third quarter of the fourteenth century is evidenced by the fact that when Gaston Fébus , vicomte of Béarn in the Pyrenees , had a network of fortifications constructed between 1365 and 1380 ( a period during which many castles were built in France ) he must have been building some of the last fortifications to take no account of artillery , which was very soon to compel important developments in the art of defence .
5 The listings from early modern England show that up to 8 per cent of households of over-sixty-year-olds might have been receiving some economic support through lodgers .
6 These men were in touch with Edward Balliol , the heir of the Scottish king dispossessed by Edward I , and they may have been planning some move to recover their position in either England or Scotland .
7 Although there may have been surviving some notion of the tradition of ordered government from the ancient world , in actuality Rome had no strong , centralized government since classical times .
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