Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] with she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How he had intended that they should live with her for a while , and how his mother had a grudge against Bridget , and the terrible row they had had the previous night , and how they did n't know where they were going to live .
2 You 'll live with her until the wedding .
3 ‘ Only that if you could stay with her for a night or two , I might manage to get over and see you there . ’
4 However , in July Mrs Singh phoned to ask whether I could go with her to Cedars ' open evening .
5 I used to sit with her in my arms , and sometimes I cried too .
6 These sounds and sights of East Anglia , she felt , would remain with her for the rest of her life .
7 His eyes , glittering with rage , bored into hers for one deadly moment ; then he was out of the office before she could move , and minutes later the showroom door closed with a precision she knew would remain with her for a long time .
8 She knew that was one of many memories which would stay with her for the rest of her life .
9 It would stay with her for the rest of her life .
10 She started drinking heavily , and fellow drunks would return with her from the pub on Friday nights .
11 ‘ One of the cruellest had a girlfriend who had many friends involved in the struggle against the regime and he would go with her to cafes , where they would sing songs against the dictatorship . ’
12 Being able to capitalize part of her pension would allow her to present herself at one of the main building societies with a deposit , to halve her housing costs , and begin acquiring a capital asset that would last with her into old age .
13 It is the one anxiety Marje Proops will carry with her to the grave .
14 By midnight " an expedition to the bingo is planned , half a dozen from the refuge will go with her in the minibus , and a couple will go to the flat to rescue the precious possessions , the budgie and the china cabinet .
15 Quite right , he agrees , for ( praise God ) he has found her and will live with her in joy from now on ; no , she says , she is not there , he can not join her , he can not cross the river .
16 TARA , the golden retriever with a theatrical bent , came face to face today with the two little girls who will star with her in the musical Annie .
17 Girls can identify with her in a way they never could with , say , Linda Evangelista . ’
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