Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] with [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 You , or the person whose name we use must co-operate with us on any matter affecting this insurance .
2 You , or the person whose name we use must co-operate with us on any matter affecting this insurance .
3 You , or the person whose name we use must co-operate with us on any matter affecting this insurance .
4 You , or the person whose name we use must co-operate with us on any matter affecting this insurance .
5 It 's alright dealing with sinners but you must deal with them on your terms , and in , on your home ground .
6 ‘ Look , man , ’ he said , ‘ I 'll divide with you on this .
7 Premier John Major could clash with him on five big issues .
8 Oh well I yeah I was just thinking he could do with something on them like .
9 I could do with you on my permanent staff — but I think that these articles will hit home , cause a stir , such a stir as Henry Mayhew created some time ago when he , too , wrote of the cabined and confined lives of the capital 's poor .
10 Paula and Louise were looking lovely too — Paula in a little white top with a boat shaped neck and a bright turquoise circular skirt , Louise in a figure hugging number which left none of her curves to the imagination — but for the first time in her life Sally felt she could compete with them on equal terms .
11 With a bike mostly , then I 'd go with them on the bike see .
12 I do n't know whether you 'd agree with me on that ? ’
13 I think our headie would disagree with you on testing — she feels we all abandoned it when the going got tough .
14 I doubt whether this is done deliberately , but I think it 's part of everybody 's perception of science in schools that girls do biology and boys do chemistry and physics , and I suppose this is bound to have its affect on people 's choices , but I personally , and I think most of my colleagues would agree with me on this , see no reason to suppose that girls should be any less good at chemistry and physics than boys .
15 Well , I 'm sure everyone would agree with you on that one .
16 The additional equipment you will need with you on your holiday shoots will also depend on the importance that you — and your companions — attach to video movie making in relation to the other holiday activities .
17 Small booksellers often do n't have time to see however many reps would be calling on them ; they would much rather put all their orders together and send them to Hammicks or to Heathcote or whoever ; we will work with them on that .
18 Their version of retrieval theory supposes that information acquired during pre-exposure ( that the target stimulus is followed by no event , say ) can coexist with information acquired during conditioning ( that the stimulus is associated with a US ) and will compete with it on a retrieval test .
19 ‘ I can cope with him on my own now .
20 When I come back , I 'll tell you , and you can come with me on horseback or go alone on foot — just as you like . ’
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