Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] to some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This book is reasonably priced and may appeal to some undergraduates .
2 For successful anaphor resolution , it is important to co-ordinate the contributions of system components embodying different types of linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge , such as configurational constraints in ( ‘ He examined him ’ , the two pronouns can not co-refer ) , sortal restrictions ( in ‘ She drank it ’ , ‘ it ’ must refer to some liquid if ‘ drank ’ is interpreted literally ) , focusing ( as in ‘ He examined its legs ’ above ) , and reasoning ( as in the second sentence of ‘ John told the waiter he had no money .
3 The law must resort to some kind of moral and social evaluation of conduct if it is to identify and separate out the most heinous killings .
4 The amount of time to be spent on learning about tone languages should depend to some extent on your background .
5 I find all this difficult to understand , perceiving no dichotomy ; though I must confess to some predilection for the original letter or manuscript .
6 Without turn-out , tutus and pointe shoes the dancers ' bodies still have the same physical apparatus as before and if bodies are to dance at all they must submit to some form of discipline .
7 If you then discover that of your part families a high proportion consist of the wife in membership to the exclusion of the husband , this should lead to some questions being raised about your programme which is obviously proving more effective in one area than another .
8 This must lead to some confusion in the perception of self for both girls and boys .
9 Nevertheless I must admit to some sympathy with that view .
10 ‘ If we are going to continue to be friends and write our poetry , we must come to some kind of arrangement , ’ Dana said .
11 No , the rich must come to some accommodation with the poor : must acknowledge their existence : must open their houses and their fridges and their bank accounts and let the poor in .
12 He told MacDonald that by remaining at his post with such colleagues as were still faithful to him , his position and reputation would be much more enhanced than if he succumbed ; the Prime Minister must come to some arrangement with Baldwin and Samuel to form a National Emergency Government which would restore British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
13 I think that we must whe when we 're , we we must come to some sort of consensus in the staff as to what the levels mean in inverted commas .
14 The history of social action accounts for this to a considerable extent and all students of social administration must turn to some reading of the development of social policy .
15 The answer must lie to some degree in effectiveness and involvement , in other words whether the discovery method as well as giving some general introduction to scientific method satisfies the educator 's broader aims of working through the affective domain , of stimulating active thought rather than passive reception , of positively influencing motivation .
16 The share of demand for natural gas should rise to some 17% by the year 2000 .
17 Let's speak to erm we talked about the soldiers there , let's speak to some soldiers .
18 She suggests that the design may refer to some kind of public performance or entertainment , especially as one example was excavated from the theatre at Verulamium .
19 In such circumstances , social activities or a job outside the home might compensate to some extent by providing alternative sources of value .
20 In conclusion , I am advocating that , as the whole-school approach grows in popularity as a positive response to children with special educational needs , it is important that schools , as organisations , and teachers , as individuals , reject the segregationist policy towards disruptive pupils which might appeal to some teachers and government policy makers .
21 But possibly not ; the rain , and the town between , might have to some extent blanketed the noise , from the camp .
22 Although the techniques for these are not available at present , recent continuing advances in the field of molecular biology and tumour suppressor gene research might lead to some benefit with gene therapy in the future .
23 As we have already seen , whilst the systematic ordering of subjects might adhere to some consensus , it will not be obvious to all users of a scheme ; it is the purpose of notation to permit ease of filing or ordering .
24 Indeed through the second method ( but not the first ) we might come to some decision about the responsibilities of the group or institution while still in doubt ( or disagreeing among ourselves ) about the consequent liabilities or responsibilities of the relevant individuals .
25 But perhaps they 'll come to some sort of understanding .
26 She said , keeping her anger under tight control — he would not , she sensed , be moved by ranting and raving — ‘ We 'll come to some arrangement .
27 ‘ They 'll come to some arrangement .
28 She 'll come to some harm if she does n't look out . ’
29 ‘ I 'll talk to some friends of mine if you promise to tell what you know to the Jockey Club .
30 I 'll talk to some friends .
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