Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] to [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The reactions you may experience to these drinks and chocolate , having cleansed your system of them or more importantly having overcome any addiction you may have had , may include : migraine headache irritability depression anxiety shaky nervous feeling increased passage of urine mental overactivity insomnia weight gain .
2 This book is reasonably priced and may appeal to some undergraduates .
3 Again , the profession has been brought to recognise that dishonesty is not just sole practitioner problem and that measures to combat default must relate to all sizes of practice .
4 It should appeal to all historians of science .
5 Edward II 's reign saw a battle not just over royal taxes of the clergy , but about the body which should assent to these taxes .
6 The boundaries of these areas should be clearly delineated on a plan , and appropriate conditions should refer to those areas being safeguarded for future development .
7 I really must speak to all customers in the shop last Thursday afternoon , or anybody passing by early in the evening .
8 Mr Rapson , a former mayor of Portsmouth , condemned the egg-throwing incident and said : ‘ It is disgraceful that anybody should resort to such measures to make a political protest . ’
9 If there is a good general historical museum within the region , offering wide ranging collections , then this is a resource that pupils should return to many times over the years , to pursue different enquiries .
10 ‘ But I find it quite deplorable that anyone should sink to such depths .
11 There is some authority for saying that the ‘ sufficient interest ’ test applies to such actions ; but there are also dicta suggesting that a stricter rule should apply to such actions on the ground that leave is not required to bring actions begun by writ or originating summons .
12 The Directive requires the adoption of uniform rules of law by all member states in the matter of unfair terms , which should apply to all contracts between sellers or suppliers , of goods and services , and consumers , whether such contracts are oral or written .
13 The US government has long argued forcefully that GATT free trade rules should apply to all services ; and in 1985 , after three years of negotiation , the US position was incorporated nearly intact into OECD 's Declaration on Transborder Data Flows .
14 extra controls should apply to all practices ;
15 Such proposals should apply to all applicants and employees , regardless of disability .
16 We propose that these recommendations should form the basis of modifications made to attainment targets and programmes of study in the Order under section 4 of the Act and that , subject to those modifications , the attainment targets and programmes of study should apply to all pupils .
17 This must happen to most dieters at some time or another .
18 It was answered , here was a local visitor , who has given a sentence ; and be it right , or be it wrong , the party is concluded by it ; and you must submit to such laws as the founder is pleased to put upon you .
19 Since we can not simply assume that the results from one bilingual setting must apply to all others too , we shall study two widely differing groups of bilingual children in the UK .
20 The hon. Member for Livingston must respond to these scares .
21 Education has created these capacities for change and must respond to these changes .
22 It did admit a possible link with cases of leukemia and cancer of the bones and agreed war pensions should go to those cases .
23 If you then discover that of your part families a high proportion consist of the wife in membership to the exclusion of the husband , this should lead to some questions being raised about your programme which is obviously proving more effective in one area than another .
24 The order is that the defendant should consent to such steps being taken and the existence of personal jurisdiction over him is therefore essential .
25 The Scottish system has many distinctive advantages and we must play to these strengths .
26 The Osthmotherly Memorandum of guidance to civil servants regarding the information they should reveal to such committees indicates the Government 's continuing concern to maintain confidentiality regarding the internal workings of government .
27 Such equalization , which must extend to all members of the group , does not extend to the one ‘ object ’ who is the leader .
28 When they canvass , they must explain their programme and , conversely , must listen to all sorts of points put by the voters on their own doorsteps .
29 Let's speak to erm we talked about the soldiers there , let's speak to some soldiers .
30 In conclusion , I am advocating that , as the whole-school approach grows in popularity as a positive response to children with special educational needs , it is important that schools , as organisations , and teachers , as individuals , reject the segregationist policy towards disruptive pupils which might appeal to some teachers and government policy makers .
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