Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] a great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Peter 's situation illustrates the fact that patients who spend very little time in hospital or have minor procedures performed still have anxieties and may need a great deal of help both before and after discharge .
2 In historical writing you may need a great deal of factual information to support your argument or opinion .
3 The National Curriculum may introduce a greater degree of consistency in respect of subject content , but quality in the way such content is treated will only be achieved if the anomalies at the various levels — LEA support , school curriculum management and development , classroom provision — are attended to .
4 Instead , you should make a greater fuss of the established dog , and so reinforce its dominant position over the newcomer .
5 Was it not you yourself who said we should build a great dam against the floodwaters of Change ? ’
6 Cognitive psychologists must make a greater effort to understand cognition as it occurs in the ordinary environment … pay more attention to the details of the real world in which perceivers and thinkers live … come to terms with the sophistication and complexity of the cognitive skills that people are really capable of acquiring , and with the fact that these skills undergo systematic development .
7 To till properly , you must know a great deal about every bit of your land — you will find variations between different parts of even one small field — soil texture , structure , acidity , drainage , and history must all be considered ; as must the significance of the life within the soil and its relationship to fertility .
8 That 's her finished for the season but she will be back next year and should show a great deal of improvement . ’
9 The teacher does not need to know exactly what will happen and can not usefully plan a story line very far ahead , but should give a great deal of thought to the organisation of the lesson : How will groups be divided ?
10 With almost no ability to act as a pendulum , a kangaroo must expend a great deal of energy in its lopsided and ungainly walk , using first its front legs and tail , then drawing its rear legs forward .
11 The prehistory of Islay is not easily understood and one must use a great deal of imagination to build up a picture from what has been learnt by Investigation and excavation , bearing in mind that isolated pieces of evidence may be entirely unrepresentative of the normal life of the community .
12 ‘ You work all over the place , and you must spend a great deal of time away from home . ’
13 It seems reasonable that larger and therefore , in some sense , more important primary sampling units should have a greater chance of inclusion in the study than small ones ;
14 Several former advocates of behaviourist approaches have since changed their stance significantly , and begun to argue that all pupils , including those who experience difficulties in learning , should have a greater degree of control over their own learning ( Ainscow 1989 ) .
15 However , that would surely be a great pity , because project work should have a great deal to offer as a means of developing reading and other skills .
16 121 , as to which Parke B. , in Cooper v. Parker ( 1855 ) 15 C.B. 828 , said , ‘ Whenever the question may arise as to whether Down v. Hatcher is good law , I should have a great deal to say against it , ’ yet there certainly are cases in which great judges have treated the dictum in Pinnel 's Case as good law .
17 The Roman Catholic Church must take a great deal of credit for consistently arguing the ‘ pro-life ’ case .
18 If this is the case , the combination of cisapride and ranitidine should produce a greater diminution in oesophageal exposure to acid than ranitidine alone .
19 A good agent really understands the route a band has to take and must have a great relationship with his or her promoters to persuade them to believe in an artist .
20 ‘ You must have a great father then .
21 Bureaucracy seems to block the Chinese sources , which with their huge mule farms must have a great deal of information .
22 You must have a great deal to talk about . ’
23 It was better to leave everything to the police , who with superior training and equipment must stand a greater chance of uncovering crime .
24 The Irish have settled into this country and there are communities of them all over do they go and see your concerts and if they do that must mean a great deal to them I should think ?
25 There were the inevitable assertions that they must raise a great army to defeat the insufferable Edward should he dare set foot on Scottish soil , this earl promising his thousands and the next outdoing him .
26 This belief in the capacity of intelligence tests to measure the entire child population was echoed by the rarer suggestion that educational psychologists should play a greater part in the allocation process .
27 He was insistent , however , that the UN should play a greater role in the second round of the presidential elections .
28 A man , if he needs to express masochistic impulses , must put a great deal more effort and imagination into it .
29 It is even just that we should assign a greater degree of responsibility to children , for madmen , by virtue of their lack of free will , are completely without responsibility , while children , insofar as they possess reason in a partially developed form , can be held responsible ( i.e. can be required to take responsibility ) to a corresponding degree .
30 It was written by individuals who believed the company should place a greater emphasis on customer service .
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