Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] i out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If the boy 's good , we 'll be delighted to see him here , but he must get me out of the side . ’
2 To be sure you are Lucifer himself in the shape of my master or you could not use me thus , and I beg you 'll send me out of my way to my poor parents .
3 ‘ It 'll keep me out of the pub , dear , ’ said Jay .
4 ‘ Sure and it 'll keep me out of mischief for a while .
5 There are also plans to further develop the cereal processing at Girvan — something which Mr Sandy says will occupy him now that his nephew is in place as managing director : ‘ It 'll keep me out of mischief . ’
6 ‘ She 'll sort me out like a good Daily Telegraph lady , ’ Arlott had said when she first came to look after them at Alresford .
7 You 'll take me out with you ? ’
8 I 'm bloody glad Albert do n't , he 'll drive me out of a bed .
9 ‘ You 'll put me out of my misery then , ’ says Chris .
10 And between you , you 'll talk me out of it ! ’
11 If Father were to hear them he 'd whip me out of that place much quicker than he pushed me in , I can tell you .
12 I agreed with that at least , and I was half-prepared to believe him when he said he could keep me out of it .
13 ‘ I expect you 'd like me out of the road .
14 He said he 'd cut me out of his will and scrap my allowance . ’
15 She 'd call me out of class , interrogate ,
16 They 'd have me out on my nose ! ’
17 ‘ You said you 'd get me out of my house and you 've managed it . ’
18 I had an idea I could hide out there for a while , maybe rest up , maybe make a connection who could get me out of the City .
19 Getting his drift , I willingly agreed as long as he could help me out with my goalkeeper crisis .
20 I wondered if you 'd help me out in the garden , perhaps like if it 's still nice when you come home from school ?
21 Skipper Kim Barnett tells me : ‘ There was a time when the opposition used to like me out of the way quickly because I had a reputation for getting after the bowling .
22 ‘ Ruddock 's trouble was that he was always going on in the build-up to the fight about how he reckoned he used to knock me out in sparring when we were kids .
23 But Miss used to take me out into here , to the teachers cloak room and and er er plait my hair up again and s say to me , I 'll take it out before you go away Isa , because there was It was n't a clean place in Kirkwall .
24 There was sense in which , it was n't really in Pilate 's hands , because Jesus had said to him , if I wanted I would speak to my father , he would send ten legions of angels and they would deliver me out of your hands , Pilate , you have no power over me .
25 ‘ That would do me out of a job .
26 At one point I would have to answer a long-distance phone call , which would keep me out of the room for half an hour .
27 Yes , Dorothea thought , I would enjoy her company , she would take me out of myself , for she has never for one moment lost her grip upon life , her grasp of a situation , her confidence .
28 He said it would take me out of myself a bit .
29 A job would get me out of the house a lot and provide me with much needed money .
30 J. was quite capable of staring her straight in the eye and swearing that black was white if it would get me out of a jam .
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