Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] he [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 If he drools or loses food from the side of his mouth , you should help him to dab his mouth firmly with a folded napkin or handkerchief .
2 But the demands and realities of Presidential office should cause him to consider his foreign policy statements more carefully .
3 The patient has to undress slowly and methodically , as there is a temptation to go too quickly , which might make him lose his balance and increase his spasticity .
4 For , once he knew the truth , he could no longer believe that she was the monster he had branded her , and that might lead him to abandon his marriage , whose only purpose , she was certain now , was to thwart her .
5 I 'll tell him to move his ass . ’
6 ‘ I 'll tell him to get his skates on .
7 Soon as he injects her with the antidote to polywhatnot , she 'll leave him to find his own way home . ’
8 I 'll let him have his fun tonight . ’
9 Only we 'll let him have his way .
10 I 'll teach him to iron his shirts .
11 You 'll find him dragging his half-starved body through the streets of London , mumbling random thoughts through a woolly balaclava into a rickety Dictaphone .
12 Nothing I said could make him change his mind .
13 Lime and leather assailed her nostrils in a tantalising cloud as he bent his head , and before she could object he pressed his lips lightly on her mouth and stepped back .
14 ‘ But if he has done a bunk , you 'd expect him to take his collection with him , would n't you ?
15 Despite his drunkenness the man was still immensely strong , and there was a nasty moment when Jack could feel him gathering his strength , but then suddenly there was a dull thud and he went limp .
16 I could feel him shaking his head .
17 Each man had his everyday business in which he could feel he had his niche and even at times his indispensability .
18 He was developing an acute social and political conscience , and I could see him devoting his life to the Labour Party .
19 From behind the ruched net curtains , she could see him plodding his way around the green .
20 The bus stopped at the traffic lights and I could see him counting his £1 coins .
21 Bernice could see him tapping his umbrella on the floor , pretending to study the walls , and glancing back impatiently as if he could n't believe that his companions were still unable to follow him .
22 ‘ I 'd like him to bear his rightful name , I 'd like him to be able to say which family he comes from , I 'd like him to hold his head up high in any company — but I wo n't be bounced into a sham of a marriage , not even for five minutes .
23 ‘ I 'd like him to bear his rightful name , I 'd like him to be able to say which family he comes from , I 'd like him to hold his head up high in any company — but I wo n't be bounced into a sham of a marriage , not even for five minutes .
24 But as the law stands , Jamie Blandford knows only high treason could stop him inheriting his father 's title … and the Blenheim estate .
25 ‘ He had the biggest boots in the world — you 'd hear him dragging his huge hobnails around . ’
26 Dougal could hear him scrubbing his hands in the bathroom .
27 They could hear him making his point in fortissimo Anglo-Saxon tones .
28 I could hear him bullying his patients in a good-natured way .
29 Before I could persuade him to change his mind , the summer was over , everyone went home and I was left behind .
30 He is not subject to any action from without , action which could compel him to change His attitudes or behaviour .
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