Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] it up with " in BNC.

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1 So it is with history essays — you can have an opinion but you must back it up with fact or reasons .
2 ‘ I 'll take it up with higher authority , if that 's what you want , ’ said the American nervously .
3 I 'll fill it up with water .
4 thing you could pass on to the police and they could take it up with the local council .
5 You could fill it up with people and not make a penny — would n't even cover our costs .
6 has written the comment , i.e. the member of staff has written it , you could then have something underneath if you wish to , that is the pupil 's , that will be obviously the pupil 's from the different writing , or the style of the writing er or you could open it up with we have agreed , if you wish to one make it a joint
7 And then you used to mix it up with bran and oats and cake and that sort of stuff , for the horses .
8 Then night time , when dad would bank it up with duff-mucky coal saved for this .
9 Right , I shall take it up with the area director in n in ne Yorkshire as we would normally do .
10 They would empower a new Press Commission to impose penalties for offences defined by the report , and would back it up with an ombudsman , chosen by the Lord Chancellor , and given statutory authority to enforce fines by court order .
11 The plan 's success as a deterrent depends as well on how vigorously the UN will back it up with action .
12 So you can take it up with the , the er do whatever he felt necessary , but we left it at that .
13 You can take it up with them . ’
14 You can link it up with the work on that was done on human performance .
15 The slowness of the process means that you can fill it up with all the necessary ingredients for your soup , stew , casserole , risotto , or pudding , before you go out in the morning and you will arrive home to a wonderful smell and a meal that is instantly ready .
16 You can fill it up with Tetras and other small community fish to act as dither fish and bring the cichlids out of hiding .
17 You can fill it up with Tetras and other small community fish to act as dither fish and bring the cichlids out of hiding .
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