Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] be [indef pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Must have been somebody else .
2 Her self-confidence never recovered , since if her belief was right there must have been something else wrong with her , some terrible ugliness from which he had fled even into the arms of an older woman .
3 There must have been something else . ’
4 There must have been something specially feline about that particular note , because Gautier carried out experiments to see if he could fool the cat , but she always responded with her critical paw precisely when the note reached high A.
5 There must have been someone else around .
6 ‘ There must have been someone else involved at some point .
7 Whoever had called him must have been someone very powerful to make the head of the KGB jump like that .
8 Almost certainly , a Spitfire , although there might have been something else called a …
9 A borough might not have covered the same area as a township , and a parish might have been something completely different .
10 There could 've been something there , someone I 'd met in the past that might open another door . ’
11 Who could vote was something else .
12 ‘ It could have been somebody else , ’ said Owen .
13 Several people had tokens in their hands that had come out of what they hoped was a pile of ‘ blancmange ’ — there were plenty of cows in the field beforehand , so it could have been something else .
14 Could have been someone else .
15 I mean , it could have been lots worse . ’
16 ‘ There may have been something there . ’
17 His statement is misleading : ‘ Tempo di menuetto ’ may have been anything but fast , but as we have seen , Allegretto tempos are a different matter .
18 Your father , Dermot told us a lot of course — I 'm sure your mother would have been none too pleased , if she knew , but his first loyalty was always to the cause .
19 If it had not been Con Gallagher it would have been someone else . ’
20 There were plenty of Garda around , and there ought to have been plenty more , as I saw a group of wild children steal chocolates from a shop and then run off down the road .
21 ‘ And if that is the case , this will have been one more long , expensive waste of time . ’
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