Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] be [adj] for " in BNC.

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31 They also got very noisy , which must have been galling for Ron , standing out in the wind and rain supervising the keen members of his squad .
32 While it must have been galling for Lear , Gould took pains to ingratiate himself with the young artist , and Lear all too easily complied .
33 It must have been hard for her — uprooted and transported to a strange country — not to know what was happening to her and her mother , apart from the fact that somehow or other they 'd been able to join up again with the father .
34 It must have been hard for a short , drunken man to do at the dead of night . ’
35 This must have been irksome for them , but Mrs Webster accepted it as her war work with good grace .
36 The trip home must have been hazardous for Mars alone had suffered 72 hits , leaving 29 of her complement dead and 85 wounded , and she now had three feet [ 0.9 m ] of water in her hold .
37 It must have been difficult for the teachers to organize things even before the arrival of the evacuees , who had problems of their own , of course , adjusting to a major change in lifestyle .
38 ‘ It must have been difficult for you , hiding Egan when Place was living with his sister . ’
39 It must have been difficult for you . ’
40 ‘ I guess it must have been difficult for — for Suzanna to understand .
41 It must have been scary for you .
42 It must have been horrible for her . ’
43 That must have been fun for her .
44 It must have been lonely for him .
45 I must have been mad for a few hours , and I swept you up in it too .
46 He must have been dead for hours . ’
47 Robin Cranko thinks that one of them , if not both , must have been responsible for some branches of the Cranko family whom he came across during his researches .
48 His 19th C. biographer Charles Roeder tentatively puts it at 1000 finished pictures ; and the constant flow of visitors to his annual exhibitions in Ambleside and Keswick must have been responsible for carrying his work all over Britain .
49 The constant flow of visitors to his annual exhibitions in Ambleside and Keswick must have been responsible for carrying his work all over the country .
50 An itch of fascination at this utterly different , aberrant creature twisted within Lexandro , into rage — at the sly , inhuman intelligence which must have been responsible for the loss of those brave champions of Humanity who now lay lifeless in caskets .
51 This extraordinarily convoluted definition , the whole of which is in italics , must have been responsible for deterring thousands of readers from proceeding beyond page 15 of the General Theory , but it does make sense .
52 It must have been inconvenient for everyone .
53 It must have been distasteful for a man whose principles were always of the very highest .
54 Someone , somewhere must have been concerned for and worried about these unfortunate children and found their absence odd ; surely too , someone must have paid their fare and seen them off on their journey .
55 This distinction between what would happen and what might happen is crucial for what follows .
56 It might have been easy for Celia to persuade herself that it would all make little difference to me .
57 ‘ Just as it might have been possible for you also , madame , ’ he had said .
58 It might have been possible for Britain to enforce Anglo-American nuclear collaboration by withholding ore stocks , but to have done so would have reduced American production of fissile material to the Soviets ' advantage .
59 It might have been good for the dockies , but it were n't no good for the lighterman .
60 The degree of colonic bioavailability might have been insufficient for other reasons .
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