Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] be [art] more " in BNC.

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1 Veneers appear in the 1880s although an eighteenth-century example was discovered during the 1983–4 excavations at St Augustine-the-Less , Bristol , but this might have been no more than an attempt on the part of the coffin-maker to mask some splits at the shoulder caused by over-zealous saw-cuts when kerfing .
2 Of course , this might have been no more than a diplomatic ruse by the Russians to initiate a dependence which would permit a later imposition of heavier tribute payments without negative results .
3 The easy , informed arguments they had about the Kesselring case proved him wrong : as they talked , the two of them might have been no more than friendly colleagues .
4 On waking , it occurred to her with renewed conviction that the experience of two days before might have been no more than a temporary aberration of an exhausted mind .
5 Otherwise you may aggravate something that , with a little rest and good management , could have been no more than a minor injury .
6 Some may say yes and some may say no and it will have all the appearance of a decision being made , but the real structure may have been no more than the bland question/answer relationship between the teacher-in-role and the class .
7 Or it may have been no more than a ruse to exert pressure and force him to reconsider .
8 This may have been no more than wishful thinking , and during the campaign the Conservative Party managed to project itself as the most radical of the contenders for office .
9 What this would have looked like is sometimes difficult to imagine — it may have been no more than a larger-than-average farmstead , or it may have been a palace such as those found at Yeavering and Cheddar .
10 This suggests that the fall in equity prices in October 1987 may have been no more than a correction to the market .
11 A draw would have been no more than Wolves deserved , but Kiwomya , Ipswich 's most impressive forward , was not finished .
12 The terms ‘ Royal ’ and ‘ King ’ are perhaps not altogether appropriate for what would have been no more than tribal chieftains .
13 In the final analysis the entrepreneurial solution would have been no more than an evasion of the underlying causes of Nizan 's personal crisis of 1926–27 .
14 It would have been no more than I deserved . ’
15 There would have been no more than the statutory redundancies .
16 The one or two well-to-do tanners identified in the subsidy rolls were so scattered , and formed so small a part of the population , that the contribution of leather working to the local economy can have been no more than marginal at best .
17 The schoolboy tight-head fancied himself as a hard man and was intent on working Elliot who , in fact , was so immensely strong that the lad can have been no more than the most minor of irritants .
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