Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pron] from me " in BNC.

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1 I always think that if someone tries to get close to me they must want something from me .
2 So perhaps you 'll take it from me
3 She 'll take it from me .
4 ‘ Nothing could take you from me , or put aught between us . ’
5 I do n't believe she heard me because she yawned , handed me the key and told me to hang it round my neck so that no one could take it from me .
6 He told me that if I bought this land at five pounds a dunum , he and his friend would buy it from me at twenty-five a dunum .
7 Yes , and she could tell a few tales as well , not that wild horses would drag them from me , not in a gnat 's eyeblink they would n't . ’
8 ‘ You need n't be worried anyone will hear anything from me , but we were interrupted by one of the junior chemists . ’
9 I want Bob to become well known , too , so that he can liberate himself from me . ’
10 ‘ You can take it from me , Titron was supposed to have been melted off the face of the earth .
11 Of course I 've sent specimens to Forensic but you can take it from me that he died of strychnine poisoning ; a fairly hefty dose but he 'd been living on borrowed time any way .
12 ‘ I think you can take it from me , ’ said Rose firmly , ‘ that Mr Didier did not murder Sir Thomas , ’ earning himself a look of gratitude from Auguste .
13 ‘ I think you can take it from me , ’ he said authoritatively , ‘ that the police are bound to find out about Gray 's problem , which , if you 'll forgive me Gerald , I fear he really did have . ’
14 He said , ‘ You can take it from me — he hanged himself .
15 ‘ He made a mistake at the top of the hill in the Gold Cup , ’ Gaselee said , ‘ but you can take it from me , he did n't have a hard race .
16 I 'm rather proud of it , yes , I think you can take it from me , Richard Lewis is one earthly executive we will be seeing up here .
17 No , but they 're very nice you can take it from me
18 ‘ When I die , ’ she said , ‘ you can tell him from me that I had n't forgotten him .
19 You can tell him from me that if he wants me to stay in this urban backwater of yours he 'll have to provide me with an interesting occupation — and I do n't mean modelling your dress .
20 ‘ I 'm not getting involved , ’ said Constance , ‘ but you can tell her from me no good 'll come of it . ’
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