Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [verb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And let's make do and mend .
2 If you are a serious Windows user , you may prefer to wait and see how the Windows version of Dataease performs when it is released shortly .
3 collection of selected pupil work for copying and return ( if the teacher is willing , you may prefer to supply and collect the paper they work on )
4 Noting the person 's medication , which they may prefer to keep and administer themselves .
5 I think I will be very frightened and may want to go and hide . ’
6 A large retail chain may want to expand and build more stores or it may be content with its current size since all the most profitable regions are covered .
7 where you , you get a scale response to them and we can do stats on but equally , if you get people to describe their most recent dream or describe their most erm , you know , compelling dream or , you know , a good one that they 've had in the last year or something like that , you may want to try and get that on tape or something like that erm if possible , yeah .
8 The possible divisions between workers considered as car workers , textile workers , railwaymen etc. , are not merely the product of a Machiavellian manipulation on the part of ‘ capital ’ ( although of course managers and politicians may seek to exploit and amplify such divisions ) .
9 Argyris ( 1957 ) suggests that whilst the individual may seek to actualise or achieve his or her full potential the organisation does not always allow this to happen .
10 Anne Watson offers experience and advice about some of the personal preparation a teacher may need to undertake when moving to a more ‘ investigative ’ style of teaching .
11 You may need to fill or plane off a slot at the thick or what is now the top edge .
12 Groups may need to present and share their findings with other pupils .
13 You may need to cut or burn neat holes should you choose to put a condensation tray between the hood and the tank .
14 However , our role may need to broaden and develop in response to new policies and programmes introduced by Ministers .
15 However , our role may need to broaden and develop in response to new policies and programmes introduced by Ministers .
16 GABA may act to delay or limit the spread of seizure activity .
17 Hepzibah said , ‘ Only natural that he should want to come and pay his last respects to his sister . ’
18 You should 've come and knocked for me cos you could 've come in and played computer and everything .
19 Land cultivation grants under both AHDS and AHGS schemes in the LFA should remain withdrawn as announced on 11 December 1984 .
20 Mr Povah should stay put and control the business , and deal with sales contracts by phone and mail .
21 An application to the court for judicial review of the Minister 's decision was not the appropriate means by which the council should seek to ventilate or pursue its differences of opinion with the Minister .
22 In respect of themselves and others with whom they interact in the course of their professional life , they should seek to maintain and promote the following standards :
23 Her father thought that her glasses must need adjusting and said she should have her eyes tested , but no one made an appointment for her , so she did n't go .
24 This should prevent wandering and waffle in your answer .
25 They should study to improve and grow wary from their past mistakes and inadvertencies , act with caution , advice and consideration .
26 ‘ I should like to go and look at the sea . ’
27 Erm I should like to reinforce and supplement what er Mr Donson has said er from the house building point of view perhaps with a broader perspective of er development than just the house building industry .
28 Without precipitating the arguments of the rest of the book , I should like to suggest that attempts to make English more scientific , more objective , more masculine , are unlikely to succeed .
29 ‘ Then , with your permission , I should like to come and see Mrs Thorne myself . ’
30 ‘ I should like to huff and to puff and to blow his house down and take Maggie away from him and she and me and Francie could go back to Ireland and live quietly together and play music and have a little step dancing from time to time . ’
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