Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 And reciprocally , if memory formation requires the synthesis of proteins for the construction of synapses , then if one could stop the proteins from being synthesized around the time of learning then the memory should not be formed ; an animal trained on a task and prevented from synthesizing proteins should behave as if it has no memory for the task — is amnesic — when it is subsequently asked to perform it .
2 One might argue about whether it is expedient for the law to forbid the use of such acts as a means of causing loss , but the privity doctrine is a red herring . ’
3 Compton proposed that the quantum of light could act as if it were a particle , and he christened this the photon .
4 The English embryologist , John Gurdon , in an extensive series of experiments performed during the 1960s , showed that if he transplanted the nucleus from one of the cells of the blastula of early toad embryo it could function as if it were the toad egg 's nucleus .
5 I could write as if it was someone else … ’
6 I did think I might read them some day , when I could bear to and it did n't feel quite so much like prying . ’
7 But whether , say , used office paper has an economic value may depend on whether it has been collected and sorted .
8 King 's Jester used to be a very spooky horse and would shy at the same jump , stacked in the corner of the school , every single day and if anything was moved to a different position , he would behave as if it were about to leap out and get him .
9 I mean you have the idea , you want to expand advertising , which means you 've got to spend more money and you said it was never given the go ahead , who at the end of the day would decide about whether it had the go ahead or not ?
10 He 'd wanted to drive until anything he remembered would seem as if it had happened to someone else .
11 The whole scene to my informant was as clear as a bell , but on reflection it would seem as if it was part of an earlier railway system .
12 It may seem as if it has been with us forever , but the ubiquitous American Express chargecard has , in fact , only been around for 35 years .
13 But if the child is never born alive , things will remain as if it had never existed .
14 To the immune systems of the animals that it may infect , the resultant mutant virus will look as if it is rabies and so will trigger antibodies and generally stimulate immunity against the disease .
15 Painful reform will look as if it has been wasted , firms will go bust , unemployment will rise , people will demand populist cure-alls .
16 By positioning a bolster in the middle of the bed instead of at the end the mattress will look as if it is divided into two separate areas .
17 As well as being practical , the end result will look as if it cost many times as much .
18 Where an instrument transfers property in contemplation of the sale of the property at a later date , its treatment will depend on whether it falls within the terms of s 90 , FA 1963 .
19 Whether , in a given context , the use of " existence predicates " might be avoided , this will depend upon whether it is clear what kind of claims are being made and whether there exists a consensus about those claims .
20 Our experience of electronic technology prepares us to accept the idea that unconscious machinery can behave as if it understands complex mathematical ideas .
21 Sometimes it can seem as if it was yesterday .
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