Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [been] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When we got home I was surprised to see Dad sitting in his usual seat because he should have been at work .
2 It was the middle of the after noon , he should have been at work .
3 He should have been at boarding school , but his mother , who loved him very much , had brought him home for a month or two , because she thought his health was delicate .
4 The three boys should have been at school with their ragged clothes , crew cuts and sullen eyes .
5 We should have been at Ardneavie ages ago . ’
6 It was about a week after my showdown with Quigley and I should have been at Harvest Festival .
7 Hindley Earnshaw should have been at Catherine 's burial yesterday , but he had been drinking so much that he could n't go .
8 Yet here was her grandson fending for himself , leaning amiably against a kitchen cupboard and eating a self-made sandwich , while his mother gave infinite attention to food for women who should have been at home attending to their own children .
9 She should have been at home .
10 and what we doing now is London , London yesterday and you , you should have been at home today but he had to go back to London again so I did n't keep him very much , given up is it ?
11 She was only twenty when she was saddled with me , yet she never made me feel I was a drag , and heaven knows a kid sister must have been at times . ’
12 It is strange therefore that the signal box instruments revealed it as clear , the signal must have been at green , or had a heavy weight been lying across the signal wire ?
13 SEDUCTIVE though the Russian hardware might have been at Farnborough , the seasoned Fly/Past reader had the eye drawn by two aircraft nose-to-nose at the ‘ Black Sheds ’ end of the static .
14 Wherever we have any hard information , it suggests several forces might have been at work , not least the school .
15 ‘ He might have been at bingo . ’
16 However naughty we might have been at school , this was not mentioned at home .
17 However tough things might have been at home , there 's usually an underlying familiarity of experience that allows family members to overcome or endure difficulties .
18 The new manager could have been at Burnden Park watching United last night … several men chasing the job were in the stands … hopefully genning themselves up for an interview … they 'll have plenty to talk about lots of food for thought as United lost their third game in a row …
19 The new manager could have been at Burnden Park watching United last night … several men chasing the job were in the stands … hopefully genning themselves up for an interview … they 'll have plenty to talk about lots of food for thought as United lost their third game in a row …
20 She could have been at home , warm and snug .
21 Or like the time when you say , right out loud , that 's it , I could have been at home sleeping .
22 He could have been at home to meet her .
23 She could have been at Lisa 's house , laughing .
24 As a result , I spent a lot of time in training — sometimes a whole afternoon — when I could have been at school .
25 Oh I wish you 'd have been at home , I 'd have gone round there .
26 well if I 'd known enough company she said , I 'd have been at home with me feet up
27 I if I 'd have been at Jacksons I , I 'd have gone back today .
28 In practice it is difficult to locate these points , as the foot of the old cliff ( O on Fig. 9.18 ) may be obscured by talus or , more often , modified by erosion , in which case it may have been at A and the former cliff be represented by AH .
29 The complete absence of information makes it very difficult to uncover the processes of change which may have been at work among the peoples north and south of the Trent during the reign of Eadwine , but it is inconceivable that Eadwine was able to extend his hegemony southwards without first achieving domination of the Mercians .
30 Welsh rulers , with whom Offa may have been at war and who possibly ruled in British territory subject to him , could have been among the kings of the Scots ( Irish ) who recognized the lordship of Charlemagne .
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