Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [to-vb] that it " in BNC.

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1 After you have dealt with another series of confrontations around 4 and 5 April , you should begin to feel that it was all worthwhile , as you now know who to trust and what must be done to recoup your losses .
2 ‘ You must try to understand that it is n't a message , as such .
3 Conversely , where the tenant is likely to give discounts to certain customers ( eg those who pay by credit card , or employees ) , or where he is likely to have sales or special offers , his advisers should attempt to ensure that it is the amount he receives rather than the full retail price which is to be included in the calculation of turnover .
4 Before a scheme is entitled to receive tax exemption benefits , it should have to demonstrate that it contains certain essential rules — e.g. dealing with the rights and priorities on a winding up .
5 In so far as the United Kingdom might wish to argue that it itself has the right under the Convention to retain requirements such as those at issue , reference can also be made to the court 's judgment in Commission of the European Economic Community v. Italian Republic ( Case 10/61 ) [ 1962 ] E.C.R. 1 , from which it appears that according to the principles of international law , a member state which , by virtue of the entry into force of the E.E.C .
6 Interestingly he identifies examples of the use of case management in care of emotionally disturbed children , an area of work which is not widely known in the United Kingdom although practitioners might wish to argue that it is implicit in much of practice expectations .
7 I think they 'll have to recognize that it 's gon na be roll your sleeves up and we 're go we are n't gon na be able to do all of the things we wanted to do , and that 's the price we 're gon na have to pay .
8 Well you 'll have to convince that it 's , it 's just a three eight six .
9 Well I 'd like to say that it 's not only adults who have an interest in this subject and have been watching what the county council is going to do about it .
10 I 'd like to think that it was remorse that made you come sobbing into Adam 's arms that way , but I 'm not so naïve as to believe it .
11 ‘ And before they spend vast sums on the publicity launch , they 'd like to know that it wo n't be too much for you . ’
12 Javad v Aquil [ 1991 ] All ER 243 confirms that the concept of a tenancy at will remains a reality and while the landlord may be concerned that the tenant should not become a periodic tenant until the grant of the lease , the tenant may wish to ensure that it has something more concrete than a tenancy at will .
13 Thus the objectors would want to say that it is a " religiously " true statement that God raised Jesus from the dead , and this has a spiritual meaning ; but that on the level of history , Jesus died and remained dead and buried .
14 ‘ I would like to think that it will not be something that will be legislated .
15 One would like to think that it 's not going to happen here .
16 The CB METALS range has produced outstanding results over the year and I would like to think that it is now the yardstick among fishkeepers .
17 I would like to add that it is only the first of many Platinum Hotels I intend to open throughout the world . ’
18 Mr Fowler conceded that a union might not always be able to do this but it would have to show that it had used its best endeavours .
19 The approach of the majority seems to have been that even if there was such a breach the courts would refuse to acknowledge that it existed .
20 I would venture to suggest that it is not .
21 I would venture to suggest that it is Helen Bews and her like who should accept that their world view went out with the Empire !
22 However , I use Guitarist Readers ' Ads myself , as do most of the staff here , so we know just how successful they can be ; of course that also means we can see where the service can be improved and we will endeavour to see that it does …
23 The word ‘ Trinity ’ is not a biblical word , but no Christian will want to say that it is insignificant .
24 The acquirer will want to ensure that it is only obliged to take reasonable acts to mitigate and not ones which would harm the target or the business .
25 I will seek to show that it is confined within narrow , if ill-defined , bounds .
26 It will seek to show that it is possible to build a faith in a ‘ god ’ which will remove the negative approach of atheism , satisfy the deeply rooted need for a ‘ god ’ , and yet make no impossible demands on human intelligence .
27 The core will need to recognise that it does not have a monopoly of expertise and knowledge .
28 Under the deal , the Community will have to prove that it should take the decision , rather than the other way round as originally feared .
29 The mother will protect it from predators , such as eagles , and will try to ensure that it does n't fall down the mountainside by always standing on the downhill side of it .
30 We have already seen that , if the rate of interest is high , people will tend to believe that it is likely to fall and will thus not wish to hold speculative balances of money ; instead they will buy securities while their price is low and their rate of interest is still high .
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