Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [v-ing] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may make spotting each other at games easier too ( cluthing at straws here to try and justify it ) .
2 Your local social services department should provide various services for people who are sick or disabled through HIV ; exactly what is available varies widely from one area to another , but may include providing special equipment , adaptations , telephones and travel concessions .
3 The simple fact remains that , if we can not get agreement , we may consider taking unilateral action in the United Kingdom .
4 Larry Finlay , advertising and promotions director of Transworld , said that publishers should consider publishing more paperback originals .
5 The carrier who , after making reasonable enquiries on the matter , wishes to sell the goods , should consider taking legal advice before putting in hand the sale .
6 Anyone facing a VAT assessment which they consider unreasonable should consider seeking professional advice they could see the assessment thrown out and recover the costs if the circumstances are right .
7 Anyone facing a VAT assessment which they consider unreasonable should consider seeking professional advice they could see the assessment thrown out and recover the costs if the circumstances are right .
8 As a matter of good practice , local authorities should consider using this power as an alternative to removing the child under an emergency protection order ( Guidance , vol 1 , para 4.31 ) .
9 Perhaps we should consider giving widespread publicity to the Audit Commission 's account of the Government 's failings .
10 When making an appointment the court must consider appointing any guardian who has acted for the child previously ( FPCR , r10(8) ; FPR , r4.10(8) ) .
11 When making an appointment the court must consider appointing any guardian who has acted for the child previously ( FPCR , r10(8) ; FPR , r4.10(8) ) .
12 When making an appointment the court must consider appointing any guardian who has acted for the child previously ( FPCR , r10(8) ; FPR , r4.10(8) ) .
13 You should repeat supplying valid information for all mandatory fields .
14 The student should avoid breaking new ground on his own as this may result in the formation of bad habits rather than good ones .
15 Consequently , you should avoid using this method of sending characters to the printer unless you really need to .
16 We should stop drinking German wine and beer and stop eating their sausages .
17 ‘ Labour MPs should stop playing silly party games . ’
18 Their smiles and chuckles should instantly alert the parents who must stop using this method immediately .
19 The MPS said the Government should prioritise giving paramedic training to enough ambulance crews to ensure full cover for each frontline ambulance in remoter regions .
20 But I still think you should try allowing some credibility on my side too . ’
21 ‘ You should try getting more sleep . ’
22 You should try looking some time , ’ Donna said with gleeful malice .
23 You should try playing another track , Mike , that one 's already beginning to stick . ’
24 Sue likes me … lots of people like me … when I was helping out at the meat counter the other week , Jim said we should go bowling one night .
25 As for the comment that umpires should start enforcing this law , I assure Mr. Byran that the first-class umpires ' panel , the best in the world , are fully aware of the law , very observant , and most certainly fearless in its application .
26 wheel bearings might want doing that bloke 's
27 This might include exploiting various language functions in different social contexts , as well as being able to participate in conversations .
28 ‘ We 'll discuss tackling that lot later , once the platoon commanders have given me their expected manpower availability for the next week … . ’
29 The more energetic might consider extending this detour to visit Blackness , a 3 kilometre descent down the B9019 .
30 So , Alec , I expect you 'll finish moving that dung today .
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