Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The British government , for the sake of the world trading system and the welfare of its people , ought to support this vulnerable initiative .
2 But , as Archer ( 1981 ) points out , class may affect many psychological measures , like mathematical ability and childrearing practices , more strongly than gender .
3 When you are assessing a patient who is being admitted to your ward , make a list of potential risks which may affect this particular individual .
4 People who can never dare to move close because of the inevitable withdrawal afterwards may experience little sexual desire .
5 But the lessons of history would suggest that the animal protection movement , with its emphasis on the welfare of individual animals , may experience some corresponding loss of support .
6 We feel that this may skew any long-term investment planning for sport .
7 At a total cost to local Charge payers of around twenty thousand , some people may think such civic junketing has been terribly excessive but the truth is , Lord Mayor , that this is just the tip of the iceberg .
8 there 's no question about it and I thought well let's try the other way , let's , let's throw all this C C Q and , and all the rest of it to see how it falls .
9 Tony Bottoms ( 1993 ) suggests that this analysis may explain some recent developments in penal systems , such as the rise in importance of relatively impersonal and standardized penalties such as the fine .
10 It seems to have been a religion that was in transition , which may explain some startling contradictions or apparent contradictions .
11 Several geological factors may explain this apparent discrepancy .
12 The receiver may explain this harsh treatment by claiming that to go beyond meeting the minimum legal position would jeopardise his whole strategy .
13 Such efforts may eliminate some common inaccuracies , but no set of criteria can avoid distortion caused by the quantification of unlike incidents .
14 Let's make some close-up studies of it — say a group of six children .
15 Let's make some quick points that need to be made .
16 Nevertheless , although he may evade these basic criticisms of classical liberalism , Hayek , by rooting his liberal theory in an evolutionary framework , encounters a different problem .
17 And I like the colour of your dress — you ought to wear that particular shade of red more often . ’
18 There is a danger of treating a historical phenomenon ( the lyric poem ) as sui generis , and that may restrict any absolute definition of the kind of text I shall be examining .
19 We will leave the waves to sing a plaintive closing requiem over the Exhibition that was held , and hope Thurso may enjoy much true prosperity .
20 You may recognise these common plants , especially if you have visited , or live , in the country .
21 After the making of a bankruptcy order , no creditor of the bankrupt in respect of a provable debt may commence any legal action against the bankrupt without the leave of the court ( s 285(3) ) and the court may also stay any action against the bankrupt pending in any court ( s 285(1) ) .
22 We may describe these polar positions as thinking of education either as fixed states or as processes .
23 So , let's bury this 4 oz syndrome , after all , the absolutely lowest amount you can inject and say the person is actually embalmed ( after a fashion ) is 3 oz and in his book told us , ‘ greying off is due to the phenol or ethyl alcohol in the fluids ’ , so take them out and no greying off-the eternal question is answered .
24 Theories of deviance may include some passing reference to women , but interpretations of female behaviour are uncomfortably subsumed under the umbrella of explanations geared to the model of masculine behaviour .
25 These may include some major events , such as divorce , moving house , suffering the loss of a loved person , or starting a new job .
26 A data storage area : this may include some unused space to allow for additions embedded in the data .
27 At the end of key stage 3 the pupils ' response should be mainly in written form but may include some oral work .
28 This may include some purposeful interviews along the lines of one of the approaches to be suggested in this chapter .
29 The material itself may include some original documents and written reports of experts , but will also contain a record , in the form of a deposition or summary , of oral testimony given by witnesses and , in some systems , by the parties .
30 Secondly , an elder may display little verbal consciousness at the time of the assessment , but from other information available this may be identified as linked to some crisis , such as bereavement or illness , or a temporary condition such as side-effects of medication .
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