Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [coord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I believe we should cooperate and I believe with integrated traffic management schemes , we can address this problem .
2 The the Council looking at the whole process of how it spends it money what it does , I think the theatre the start of this evening we were looking quite close about what we do and how we do it what we do n't do and what we should do and I think from what 's been said this evening will be re look closely the questions you 've raised things that you 've raised we 'll report it back to you in the hope of this meeting that we 'll actually moved forward because I think it 's in everybody interest everybody 's interest if the playhouse closes .
3 ‘ I know how you must feel but I had to be sure you were n't another journalist out for a story . ’
4 Dear Mummy , I know how disappointed and unhappy you must feel and I know you think I 've behaved badly .
5 ‘ Faced with that choice there can be no doubt what the outside friends of Russia should choose and I hope that will also be the choice of the Russian people , ’ Mr Hurd said .
6 erm Professor Ron Dore is going to talk a bit about when education should stop and I suspect will be saying some of the things that you 've already hinted at , and then later on Professor Colin Lacey will be talking about some aspects of teachers and teaching and training of teachers , and I suspect he will have something to say about mobility of teachers and careers of teachers as , as well .
7 Well might do but I think it needs to be put in writing you know like who 's is who 's what you know
8 I might do but I do n't
9 ‘ Surrey might disagree but I rate Wasim as the most valuable cricketer in the world .
10 I suppose some people might have but I think I did n't really want to face up to the fact that he might have been that man on the beach . ’
11 Someone 'll hear and I do n't want to tell anybody Just yet .
12 used to go on a Sunday say come on we 'll go and I used to my dinner , oh fucking hell my dinner this is desperate , them wee were gorgeous too .
13 Share this information , so no , I think she 'll help and I think he 'll help erm because of you , because obviously very committed to that
14 yes alright well let's leave that one and let's see and I stand corrected , but my point remains the same if er , erm , er my duty under article five is not to find to the anti competition laws is it ?
15 Well he , he was asking me which I 'd prefer and I said I think you ought to consider Vicki not me on the crossing .
16 ‘ I knew I could win and I gave everything I could . ’
17 ‘ I knew I could win and I gave everything I could . ’
18 You could do but I mean , I I the n the amount of money needed for completion sounds a lot but actually it 's probably I think two and a half two hundred and fifty thousand to complete .
19 serious not really and Alistair goes oh yeah , it could do and I went er yeah er he goes why and I went why and he goes oh well , she ran on the .
20 He could swear but I had n't got to do .
21 I knew he could punch but I did n't know Razor could go down as quickly as that . ’
22 Now I see no evidence in the er proposals of the other two groups of those qualities , there I do not see coherent form of covering for the contingencies that we could face and I see a real unwillingness to indicate how they would tackle priorities .
23 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
24 I could have but I do n't want too much rubbish around .
25 And I could hear and I could hear and I turned the light on and it would n't come on !
26 The mast I could manage but I did n't know there were different names for the parts of the sail — the head being at the top , the leech at the back and the luff by the mast .
27 She said I 'd been given all I 'd get and I said it was n't enough . ’
28 ‘ If it 's the same this week , then there is no way I could play but I hope it will improve , ’ said Hall as a programme of intensive treatment was arranged .
29 Well I only , th I mean the woman made me feel dead small because I said to her you know , she was asking everybody why they 'd come and I said , well I 've only come to give Chris moral support , which was the truth because until about three hours before we went , I did n't even know it was there
30 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
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