Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] be in " in BNC.

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1 A chap may think he 's in control of himself but if he 's really attracted to a girl , it 's not so easy to stop at … well , just kissing . ’
2 God , he thought , Americans must think they 're in the Stone Age when they come to stay in a place like this .
3 ‘ Then I should think we 're in business , ’ Manville said confidently .
4 I should think he 's in the group , is n't he ?
5 ‘ They must know they 're in the frame otherwise why the decoy ? ’
6 The Ministry of Defence ( MoD ) must feel they are in a no-win situation .
7 On page one o eight paragraph two point two er , the society proposals of the er , in accordance with the objectives we 've taken out overall , it wants to be clear that it must mean it 's in total , the objectives .
8 He could n't resist mentioning the television series , just in case anyone should forget he was in it .
9 I must admit I 'm in that
10 " I suppose we 'd better start having a look along the banks soon , although I must say I 'm in no particular hurry .
11 He may feel he 's in a British Rail nightmare : he will get to his destination some time or other but he 's deeply unhappy about his discomfort while travelling .
12 I 'll grant you were in a bad state , which was hardly surprising after all the business with losing your part and then Lesley-Jane going off with Micky — incidentally , there was less in that than you thought , but that 's by the way .
13 ‘ Bring 'em in , lad , ’ Mr Bean said to Hoomey. ‘ 'E 'll think 'e 's in paradise . ’
14 One of these days I 'll go out like this and scare the whole population , 'cos they 'll think I 'm in me bare pelt . ’
15 You 'll think you 're in a palace . ’
16 ‘ They 'll know we 're in the forest . ’
17 Things will seem far worse than they actually are for a few days — but once the drama dies down you 'll see you 're in a fine position after all .
18 ‘ I would n't go as far as to say that but I 'll admit you were in a rather nasty pickle . ’
19 Wrap yourself in cotton wool and you 'll find you 're in mint condition for events in late November and early December .
20 ‘ I 'll say you were in a temper , and it had n't changed any when you were back in the office .
21 I think you 'll agree you 're in a much stronger position that if you left it for months , and then went back .
22 Some of us were great courtesans very definitely , certainly Stella sitting on her stool at the bar , you 'd think she was in pearls the way she sat there .
23 She complains cheerfully as we enter saying , ‘ Jaz I 've never had so many people kissin' me in all me life , strangers and all , you 'd tink I was in Italy or England or America , God forbid ! ’
24 ‘ If you looked at that picture long enough , Master , you 'd believe you were in Hell itself , ’ Ranulf murmured .
25 I suppose they could see I was in a mild state of shock .
26 The sudden glare was blinding , but when he unscrewed his eyes , he could see he was in a kind of windowless utility room .
27 He sat frowning at his typewriter but Emmie could see he was in a good mood .
28 ‘ I could see it was in a bad state . ’
29 At the moment I 'd guess we 're in two to three hundred fathoms .
30 Even though we do n't have major problems with drug or solvent abuse in Northern Ireland , sudden changes in behaviour could mean they are in some kind of trouble .
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