Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] it with " in BNC.

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1 Because this is the world 's future , and we must hurry towards it with open and welcoming arms .
2 I 'll go through it with you again . ’
3 I just painted it and I 'll go over it with the black .
4 The party had become a turning-point in many ways ; now , weeks later , she could look at it with a certain amount of dispassion , view her life over the past few months with a critical eye .
5 You could poke at it with a screwdriver or a piece of wire and wipe it with a piece of rag .
6 And the snow was so hard with the frost that you could walk over it with safety .
7 There 's a small chance she may recover from it with just the supportive treatment , now the cause of the disease has been eliminated , but if she does n't she 'll be in line for a bone marrow transplant .
8 Templars , ghosts , curses — and now we shall answer for it with our lives ! ’
9 Should the current tide turn , we will think about it with great pleasure and renewed confidence .
10 The present owners of Pool Bank were previously the tenants , and during their tenancy they cared for the gallery and strengthened it , and now as owners will watch over it with loving care .
11 I have no doubt that you will emerge from it with your reputation enhanced . ’
12 ‘ You can think of it with a fire going and a light burning , , Jean said .
13 M My Lords , first of all the there are a number of reports out now very erm good reports that do encourage primary schools to look and exploit the specialisms of the teachers on their staff and that would cover of course people who have a specialism in teaching this subject and it is also true , sadly in the case of some schools who wo n't allow er people who are specialists in the subject and can speak about it with authority for example er local vicars and priests and , and faith healers who can come in help in a school , but where those schools do ex exploit the expertise in the community , the school is enriched by that .
14 Historic Scotland has recently spelt out the service standards customers can expect from it with the publication of a new charter leaflet .
15 If they do n't we will tough it out because we are healthy and strong and can go at it with determination and gusto .
16 But there 's no way you can get round it with the way it was recorded . ’
17 The barbel will not be far away from the snag , and the closer you can fish to it with safety the better your chances are of catching these big fish .
18 Now , you may be a little embarrassed to discuss how you work with people other than in this classroom , although , as the course goes on , you 'll find more and more people doing Hamlet in other classes , and you might find , especially when you 're in the upper sixth , when someone in the lower sixth comes to you and says , what does this mean that you can talk about it with them , okay .
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