Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [art] good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Parents may think the best thing to do with a nervous child is to tell him or her not to worry .
2 Computer-aided design may make a good designer out of a sloppy one .
3 They may need a good deal of support because of these conflicts , yet this is rarely available .
4 For example , a pupil who is mastering literacy and numeracy with few difficulties will spend a considerable amount of time in the ordinary classroom , but another may need a good deal of specialised help and be at a stage of going to only one or two lessons daily in the fully integrated situation .
5 But the lovers kissing , the lady with a book , the donkey , the antelope , the lion , the scorpion and the rest of the menagerie may need a better imagination or a more discerning eye .
6 Or we may need the good word of this sub-prior from Ramsey , no less …
7 So this should make a good paperback , one hopes at under £10 .
8 There 's some quality body parts lying around her ; should make a good monster .
9 Should make a good picture some time .
10 ‘ It should deliver a better stream than it does .
11 To meet these aspirations we must make the best use of our human , technological , material and financial resources and this must be done within the framework of a well planned and a well managed system .
12 This White Paper expresses our determination that the taxpayers ' money which the nation can afford should buy the best quality services for our citizens .
13 They should discuss the best way of monitoring loan arrangements within the company so as to put in place a control system to avoid these problems .
14 In order to constitute a binding promise , the plaintiff must show a good consideration , something beneficial to the defendant , or detrimental to the plaintiff .
15 It is therefore correct that the address should preview a good impact position .
16 Two measures should do a good deal to grease the wheels of the City 's securities business .
17 The farming industry is passing through a period of profound change ; most farmers recognise that the industry must achieve a better balance with the market and the environment .
18 Central Office must carry the good news from Aix to Ghent ! ’
19 Although one is definitely much more ‘ mainstream ’ than the other , doing two should give a better idea of the scope of design ideas from this very interesting maker .
20 The coins , therefore , should give a good indication of examples in circulation at the very end of the fourth century .
21 As a book reviewer of some 25 years experience I am not , and never will be , of the school that thinks that because you have been given a free book , you should give a good review .
22 Write black laser printers should give the best quality at 300dpi compared with other page printing systems .
23 The trade should provide a good variety of output for all tastes , from cheap classics to ‘ trash ’ , and in variety of outlets — ‘ B&Q should be seen as a place to buy books .
24 Jointly valued at £5m , Graseby believes they should provide a good base for improved performance in this area .
25 A layer of peat and gravel , or leaf-mould and coarse sand or loam should provide a good medium .
26 Again , although not guaranteed to be foolproof , the basic philosophy of the techniques described should provide a good starting point for the work of others .
27 This more theoretical aspect should provide a better basis for urban designers and transport planners considering personal security issues .
28 Price — ideally this should provide the best value over a period of time .
29 We really must keep a better fire , or see if we can put in some central heating of some sort . ’
30 Must like a good laugh and be fun to get on with .
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