Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [noun sg] to be " in BNC.

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1 It may make sense to be tested if you are or intend to become pregnant , as about 13% of babies born to HIV positive mothers are themselves infected .
2 But in the High Court , Parker LJ has stated that whilst the creation of an admissions policy is a matter of discretion for the LEA itself , that policy must enable consideration to be given to exceptional cases and therefore should not be too rigid .
3 In assessing the impact that rail travel 's going to have in terms of travel patterns form the new settlement , I think that one important consideration that the panel should have regard to is the location of York 's s station relative to the City Centre .
4 First , we must take care to be clear in our own minds as to the accuracy we require for our research .
5 Regulators should resist pressure to be lenient
6 What should happen if [ J. ] suffers an episode before then which should require ventilation to be applied mechanically to save or prolong his life ?
7 If some unit larger than the grapheme is used , such as a ( vowel + consonant ) unit , one might expect gead to be pronounced to rhyme with bread , because the most common pronunciation for — ead is the one used for bread .
8 The estimate for the two albums is £150,000–200,000 , and one might expect interest to be shown by an Italian State collection such as the Museo degli Argenti in Florence .
9 Under a Labour government we might expect television to be somewhat more favourable to the Labour Party .
10 The first order of meaning is available to participants but the second order of signification is a ‘ hidden ’ level of meaning in that it is not readily available to participants ( who might believe striptease to be erotic ) and needs to be generated by an analyst who knows that it is there and so looks for it .
11 I mean , when I 've got over that then I 'll have time to be decently frightened of you . ’
12 From the sudden change in Rune Christensen 's demeanour it seemed she might have cause to be optimistic .
13 However , in a special supplement on the impact of the Gulf crisis , published in September 1990 , the IMF suggested that if the price of oil stabilized at $25 a barrel , the industrialized countries could expect growth to be cut by a further 0.25 per cent to 2.5 per cent for 1990 .
14 It has come up with a series of proposals in conjunction with City solicitors Davies Arnold Cooper which , it says , could enable judgment to be reached in 38 days in an undefended case and 66 days in a defended case .
15 The Sunday Times had always been a special paper , particularly in the Harold Evans days , when , with stories like Thalidomide and the Insight coverage of Northern Ireland , it could lay claim to being the greatest in the world .
16 The burdens of organising , public speaking and reacting to rapidly changing circumstances were so great that few of those responsible for the new unionism could lay claim to being efficient administrators .
17 But here 's a toast to all those who played a part in this fall of a climbing journalist : my climbing friends , the helicopter rescue team , the doctors and nurses and our superb National Health Service ( coming from Ebbw Vale I knew one day I 'd have cause to be thankful to Aneurin Bevan ) .
18 For those who live at the home of British Motor-racing , it may sometimes be noisy and congested and it may take time to be served in the local shop .
19 CAMRA would prefer beer to be brewed solely from barley malt but the use of sugar dates back to the 19th century and many renowned beers , such as Marston 's Pedigree , have recipes that include 10 per cent or more brewing sugars .
20 Muslims on the other hand would consider Truth to be the revelation vouchsafed by Allah to his prophet Muhammad .
21 In humid tropical environments , where organic activity is very high and leaching intense , we would expect silica to be removed in solution as silicic acid :
22 Now as economists we should have strong prides about income in this model , we would all , we would expect income to be very important in explaining textile consumption although the model is telling us at the moment , income does n't seem to be significantly explained in textile consumption so that 's something to worry about , we 're getting some , er sort of peculiar results here .
23 With the low volume of piston-powered traffic one would expect fuel to be expensive — and it is : 70–75 pence per litre .
24 Flat rate farmers will not be required to keep detailed records , but Customs would expect paperwork to be available if a check of transactions became necessary .
25 The Copyright Tribunal 's decision in March to charge only nominal fees for that information caused outrage at the BBC , which would like remuneration to be much higher .
26 Even naturalistic styles of aquascape do not replicate nature , but are an idealised vision of how we would like nature to be .
27 He added that he was glad that his acceptance would enable agreement to be reached by the boards of the three hospitals in relation to management structures , maintenance of denominational ethos and other issues which has caused uncertainty and anxiety in the past .
28 Whatever their basis in nefarious dealings , misunderstood intelligence , or dreams , noble things were being attempted , and if they came off the world would have cause to be grateful .
29 [ Ch 14 ] It is with a more elaborate example of this type of fanciful similitude that the impersonal " Dickens " introduces Mrs Rouncewell : She is a fine old lady , handsome , stately , wonderfully neat , and has such a back , and such a stomacher that if her stays should turn out when she dies to have been a broad old-fashioned family fire-grate , nobody who knows her would have cause to be surprised .
30 that 's half way to Tesco 's and they would have time to be there
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