Example sentences of "[subord] this [vb -s] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , rural industrialization is considered essential to stem the outflow of population from rural areas ( Saville 1957 ) , although this depends on a matching-up of potential employees and potential jobs .
2 Although this refers to a Christian 's relationships with other Christians , it is legitimate to extend Paul 's principles to all human relationships .
3 Although this amounts to a transformation of theory and its object it is not clear in what sense it is an epistemological break .
4 If this results in a tie , an arbitrary choice may be made .
5 When using the tuba as an independent bass to the trombones in held chords the most satisfactory result is obtained if the tuba is placed rather low , even if this results in a big gap between it and the bass trombone .
6 If this happens with a child resistant closure of the click-lock type the force necessary to try to undo the cap may disrupt the mechanism so that the cap can not be removed without use of brute force and a screwdriver .
7 If this happens in a germ cell , it has the chance of being passed on to future generations .
8 It really hardly matters if this happens in a room of its own , in the kitchen , the living room , or even the hall .
9 And if this goes round a sort of roughly circular track , the we 're not measuring velocity , we 're measuring speed .
10 Alcuin [ q.v. ] says that Offa shed much blood to secure Ecgfrith 's position , and if this refers to a purge of the royal kindred may explain why Cenwulf was so distant a relative .
11 And if this sounds like a recipe for wanton experimentalism , rest assured that tight guitar-pop limits are imposed so the end result does n't get too wayward .
12 Now do n't be too surprised if this sounds like a question .
13 If this sounds like a trite tear-jerker , the writing and acting are of a highly intelligent quality and Joan Knight 's production never becomes mawkish .
14 If this seems like a catalogue of disaster , do n't be discouraged : you are unlikely to have hit all of these problems on your first outing , and forewarned is forearmed .
15 I apologise if this description of Boy sounds to you like some fantasy and not a real person , a real young man ; and worse still , if this looks like a photograph from that kind of magazine which you would n't even buy , let alone be seen reading in public , on public transport for instance .
16 If this comes in a school assembly where there are many agnostics or atheists possibly present it can provoke the reaction , " How dare they try to make us Christian " .
17 For example , a Third World producer might win the battle to process a mineral or an industrial crop on site , but if this leads to a crisis in foreign currency because the machinery and the technology necessary for the task have to be imported , then it may eventually result in greater dependence .
18 A band could sign a recording contract , or receive income from live performances or session fees ( the receipt of prize money from a talent contest is tax free and does not give rise to taxable income unless this occurs on a regular basis ) .
19 There 's one final point I want to make because this acts as a kind of prelude to what we 're gon na do now down in S O one eight , and to the main start of the course , and that 's this .
20 Since this arises in a great many examples with help , one might well wonder whether the two infinitives do express different meanings here .
21 Moreover the newcomers do like to see farm workers around the village since this serves as a reminder that they do indeed live in a ‘ truly rural ’ village , as opposed to a kind of rustic suburbia .
22 Whether this flows from a suspicion of private undertakings which lurks in every large bureaucracy , or whether it is out of a deeper political distaste for what Britain has done , or from a misguided belief that state-owned organisations are cleaner and safer than private ones , is unclear .
23 The fair gradually declined during the 1930 's and ceased just before the Second World War ; but it has continued to be proclaimed each St Swithin 's Day , except when this falls on a Sunday and then the custom usually takes place on the following day .
24 When this happens to a true phobic the results can be dramatic with screams and sometimes outbursts of weeping .
25 The attention is not so much of a problem when the dogs are puppies as the idea is to train the dog to not be afraid of people , but when this happens to a fully trained guide dog accompanying a blind person it can cause problems .
26 We have completed the first four parts in one day with groups of experienced trainees , though this makes for a very hard and long day .
27 When using SEC , care must be taken not to overload the columns with too large a polymer sample as this results in a non-linear response , characterized by losses in resolution and column efficiency .
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