Example sentences of "[subord] he have [vb pp] of " in BNC.

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1 It was the first time they had met although he had known of her existence as he had of all the handful of people who lived , as the Lydsett villagers said , ‘ t' other side of the gate ’ .
2 Once he had heard of Charlotte 's predicament , however — explained to him in a quiet corner of the Beau Nash Tavern , Mount Ephraim — he realized there was nothing else for it .
3 Once he had thought of it he knew he would have to do it .
4 The condition of his sister still playing on his mind , young Jefferies had fled , saying nothing to anyone until he had read of the seriousness of the crime .
5 His parents , who were fair and liberal-minded people , were nonetheless confused and upset , and while giving Rajiv freedom to follow his convictions , they forbade him to be baptised until he had come of age .
6 He glanced at John Russell again , then over to me like he 'd thought of something .
7 Joshua , in order to be friendly , asked Harvey if he had heard of Clemenceau 's remark about Lloyd George , made at the Paris Peace Conference after the Kaiser 's War ?
8 If he had spoken of forgiving , or pitying , or even loving , she would have been ready for him , but to be needed was something she had not looked for .
9 This came in January 1991 , with the arrival on the scene of licensed engineer Bob Eatwell , who admits that if he had known of the multitude of technical and administrative problems that he faced , would have walked out of the Rochester workshop , into sanity !
10 This must be because he did not know any observations of it : Darwin was interested by every possible form of moral behaviour in animals , and if he had known of restrained fighting , he would have written about it .
11 By s.2(1) the accused is not dishonest if he : ( a ) believes he has a legal right to deprive the victim of the property ; ( b ) believes that the victim would have consented to the appropriation of the property , if he had known of the circumstances ; ( c ) finds property , when the owner can not reasonably be found .
12 Even if he had known of the switch , the victim might indeed still have bought .
13 Dick is a trespasser , as the occupier was unaware of his presence and if he had known of his presence , would have objected to it .
14 Er and I asked him if he 'd heard of you and he said no .
15 ‘ Poor Tom would have been so very unhappy if he 'd known of this situation , ’ she 'd sniffed while fumbling for a handkerchief .
16 ‘ But if he 'd known of this outrage , ’ said Philip , looking from one to the other of them with searching eyes , ‘ the boy would have told me in Isambard 's presence .
17 ‘ Well , he would have done if he 'd thought of it .
18 It seemed as if he 'd thought of everything .
19 I just wanted to ask our speaker if he 's heard of it ?
20 Shrewsbury fans hoping that wo n't do what they hope he will do for England against San Marino next week , if he 's picked of course .
21 She thought he was a hard man because he had spoken of the sturdy beggars as no better than wolves to be strung up on trees as a warning to others ; he certainly had not helped her to escape out of pity .
22 There were some weekends when he would phone me up and ask if he could come round because he 'd thought of something new for me to do , and he 'd jump into his car and come all the way just to give me a new inflection on a word ! ’
23 Mr Reynolds is admitted to hospital because he has complained of a change in bowel habit and rectal bleeding .
24 Willie held the knife above the cake , screwed up his face till he had thought of a wish and then plunged the knife into the icing .
25 In equal isolation at the Intercontinental Hotel , 16 miles away , Lebanese journalists found themselves restricted to the parliament 's two opening statements and a diet of gentle assurances from Prince Saud al-Feisel , the Saudi Foreign Minister , that optimism was the order of the day , but while he had heard of some disputes in the parliamentary chamber , he had every reason to believe the Lebanese would accept the Arab League peace plan .
26 While he had known of the groundswell of resistance to the regime , experiencing it outside of jail was something else .
27 My God , it was years since he 'd thought of her , even .
28 It was less than seventy-two hours since he had heard of the finding of Riddle 's clothes , but it seemed much longer .
29 And in the meantime , since he had spoken of things she ought to learn , she would see if he could tell her just what it was that women like Marie Moon and Audrey Covington-Pym did to stop themselves from bearing child after child after child .
30 It would be more than a week since he had thought of Millet .
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