Example sentences of "[subord] he be not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For a moment , Sara argued with him , and then seeing he was not going to leave the room unless she went with him , unwillingly she followed him out .
2 Little Paul spends a short time at Mrs Pipchin 's ( on the recommendation of Miss Tox , a former child-boarder ) , where he is not quelled as the others are , but thoroughly discomfits her with his sharp questions and grave stare .
3 ( 23 ) above expresses a favourable reaction to the fact that the speaker happened to find friendship where he was not seeking it .
4 Twice , when he had run out of ideas , he had driven the little Triumph out of the district to a coffee shop where he was not known , and had sat drinking coffee and talking to the men next to him at the counter , surprised to find himself accepted as a member of the grown-up world .
5 Rod Wallace appears to be producing some good performances although he 's not putting all his chances away — those misses in the first half on Saturday would probably be crucial against a good side .
6 Mr Rushdie also met federal parliamentarians in Ottawa , and although he was not granted time with the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , he said that his reception by the External Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall encouraged him to believe that Canada was firmly behind the campaign to get the death sentence lifted .
7 The Archbishop arrived in Munich between performances of La finta giardiniera , and although he was not to hear the work himself , he learnt about it from the Elector and his family :
8 Although he was not restored to the bench after his return to the county , he remained an influential figure in local politics .
9 But then he would have had to have been more obtuse than he was not to have known already .
10 That 'll be a nice idea , it 's a bit tricky , you remember the Chris what we did at Christmas , that went really well , and we thought perhaps something similar book for Easter , yeah , do n't know what we 'll do but cos people like John and , so he 's not teaching full time , in fact some of the schools have holiday are n't they ?
11 Got something wrong with his blood so he 's not allowed to Ricky !
12 cos dad 's gon na be working now till about three anyway so he 's not gon na be able to take you .
13 So he 's not going to give way ? ’
14 Some fences can be deceiving from a distance , so the horse must be given clear aids as to what to expect so he is not taken by surprise .
15 He had brought no money , so he was not allowed to join the untidy crocodile of children forming the dinner queue .
16 He had only been out of his house for two nights so he was not going to start to do criminal things .
17 Provided he is not forced to drop them it may be that Gorbachev , ironically , could be the first world leader to actually reduce a country 's intelligence agencies on the grounds that there is less for them to do .
18 ( Provided he was not questioned for the offence in the first police station ) .
19 He could not know that Sophia was taking a keen interest in him and had even been considering him — provided he were not divorced or otherwise unsuitable-as a husband for her sister .
20 A man sits alone on a bus seat , desperate for the comfort of someone , or even a young female semi-innocent , to sit beside him , but trying so hard to look like he 's not caring and actually scaring everyone off .
21 ‘ Though if he 's not selected , I shall downgrade him and Sally Newcombe will ride him because continuing to compete at that level is such an emotional strain on him ’ .
22 No , if he 's not taking much of this in he 'd wan na start talking
23 If he 's not born in thee , thou art still forlorn .
24 And Stapleton insists that if he 's not playing well , Pearson should yank him off
25 ‘ Fiddlesticks , ’ said Rose , ‘ if he 's not working he 'll jump at it , for old time 's sake . ’
26 If he 's not paying till next week , next
27 If he 's not going to use them having yourself ?
28 Having said that I , you know , I mean , i i i exc i if he 's not gon na do that
29 But if he 's not gon na come I 'll , we 'll do it anyway .
30 But if he 's not gon na be willing , then Boaz it 's his responsibility .
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