Example sentences of "[subord] he [vb -s] [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know why but Hit Man look tons better in clothes than he does out of them .
2 There 's this panda and he 's really bored with , I mean he 's , he 's getting no sex so he breaks out of erm London Zoo to go off and find a partner .
3 Cut him out and slip him into the stocking so he peeps out of the top .
4 If he hits one then he bounds about inside the unit , bouncing from foe to foe , until he spins out of the other side , leaving the enemy completely devastated .
5 Homer sees The Committee as having a tremendous chance in the National if he stays out of trouble .
6 A grateful Niki coasts towards the finish , with Nelson , a lap down , riding pillion behind him , as though to push him across the line if he runs out of fuel .
7 What happens if he runs out of numbers ?
8 If he steps out of line this time I 'll see to it that the dossier falls into the appropriate hands . ’
9 It will be a crime if he slides out of the game with a whimper , lashed to death by the very critics he deliberately snubs .
10 " That seems satisfactory , then — he can go straight to you after he comes out of hospital , " — Willis had been admitted to the Waterloo , where it was exceedingly difficult to get a bed , once more with the help of the nurses on Bluebird .
11 So he 's in a bit of ideological bother even before he steps out of his front door .
12 Then he wakes me up when he goes out of the door in the mornings .
13 Whereas the descriptions of the opening chapter are confined to what can be seen from within his shack , visual perspectives increase in variety and number when he ventures out of doors .
14 ‘ If only he 'd keep his mouth shut when he gets out of the car and stop whingeing .
15 If he drops dead when he gets out of hospital , we no longer care about him , as long as he survived .
16 When he gets out of bed he 's straight up .
17 Will Vern notice me from the drive when he comes out of the hospital ?
18 But mum and dad have promised him another when he comes out of hospital .
19 Make the reservation , Todney , and check back with him when he comes out of his meeting . ’
20 And when he comes out of hospital , it 's like they 've forgotten he exists — just a couple of visits from a nurse .
21 I think we 'll put him in special care when he comes out of Theatre . ’
22 We 'll talk about Tyson when he comes out of prison . ’
23 Mum can I give one to Robert when he comes out of school ?
24 Mum can I give one to Robert when he comes out of school ?
25 He can not join the Magic Circle until he is 18 , but no one can fail to be impressed when he slips out of handcuffs in under one minute .
26 He accepts there will be a bit of a hullabaloo when he steps out of the tunnel , maybe smiling at the ‘ This is Anfield ’ sign .
27 With his portable equipment — weapon , tool bag and hook and line — the weight , as he shuffles out of the ICP , is up to about 70 lb .
28 As long as he keeps out of the washing machine , the vet says Pristine Priskin can expect a long and happy life .
29 His face bearing the ruby-red signature of four sets of young Mambo princess lips , Antonio Banderas grins sheepishly as he stumbles out of a Beverly Hills hotel bedroom .
30 As he gets out of his chair , I ask him if it 's true what they say about short men .
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