Example sentences of "[subord] he [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 MADRID — Howard Marks , the Briton accused by US police of being the ‘ Marco Polo ’ who led an international ring of hashish smugglers , yesterday took one step closer towards extradition to the US , where he faces up to 113 years in jail , Tim McGirk writes .
2 ‘ He will write me a letter immediately he gets back to London .
3 I do n't know why but Hit Man look tons better in clothes than he does out of them .
4 There 's this panda and he 's really bored with , I mean he 's , he 's getting no sex so he breaks out of erm London Zoo to go off and find a partner .
5 I have tried taking the castle out , but this only makes him unhappy , so he goes over to the heater and swims underneath it .
6 This is about a young boy who is trying to avoid going to the dentists so he comes up with a series of excuses to give his mother .
7 Cut him out and slip him into the stocking so he peeps out of the top .
8 If he hits one then he bounds about inside the unit , bouncing from foe to foe , until he spins out of the other side , leaving the enemy completely devastated .
9 I ca n't wait until he gets round to me — I must be the only female in Hochhauser not on his list . ’
10 There is something very disturbing about a benefit system which will prop up Mr Deaves until he gets back on his business feet , yet is reluctant to help people who are literally out on the streets .
11 Jarvis will not decide on Carroll House 's future until he gets back from Ireland later this week .
12 He 's been told it could be next week , but he wo n't believe it until he wakes up after his operation , in one of those six intensive care beds.Even then , he 'll still be waiting .
13 Yet , until he faces up to his own fatal flaws , he has no hope of conquering them .
14 So the luxury home in New England remains empty — until he winds up on a one night stand with vivacious manipulator Gwen , ( Goldie Hawn ) .
15 Until he comes back from and that
16 Homer sees The Committee as having a tremendous chance in the National if he stays out of trouble .
17 If he feels up to it , it 's probably the best thing for him , ’ said Melissa .
18 If he gets up to half the tricks that Mick did . ’
19 If he gets up in the middle of the night to fetch you a glass of water , then he loves you . ’
20 A deadlock can only be opened with a key so a thief can not smash a pane of glass and open the door ; or if he gets in through a window , he ca n't carry your property out through the door .
21 ‘ He will be satisfied if he gets back on the Irish team , but it is not possibility he could push himself right to the forefront . ’
22 If he gets back into the England team it will be deservedly so . ’
23 He has received a card with drawings of gangsters on it and threats of a ‘ warm welcome ’ if he turns up for the second-round tie .
24 If he turns up for court and he says , yes I had a terrible time at the police station and there were all sorts of breaches of but I am now here on a , I 'm gon na tell the truth , that 's no problem .
25 If he turns out to be a feeder for the kidnappers , ’ explained the Captain , ‘ he 'd be too easy to replace if we showed any interest in him . ’
26 He might look 17 going on 23 but , even if he turns out to be nearly as old as he appears , it will not render the three wickets he took on his debut as void .
27 Windeler said , ‘ What if he turns out to be working for the Americans ? ’
28 If he turns out to be like Kenny , then great .
29 If he turns out to be half as good as David then he 'll be a very good batsman indeed . ’
30 What if he goes on like this for ever ?
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