Example sentences of "[subord] he [modal v] have be " in BNC.

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1 Where he might have been standing still had not the eagles lunged at him , as if moments before it fell they had sensed that some danger was there and had sought to protect him .
2 Treleaven , from Hayling , only got in as a last-minute replacement when Michael Welch , on EGU duty in Spain , crushed his thumb in a door and had to scratch from the Salver and Sunday 's Hampshire Hog at North Hants , where he should have been defending .
3 And that would be soon as ever he had his own son safely established back under this roof , where he should have been all along !
4 " There are places up there where he could have been put in all right without attracting too much attention . "
5 ( One even refused to stand down although he would have been seventy-six at the time of the next election . )
6 When he came to the College , Coleman was presumably almost totally ignorant of veterinary matters ( although he may have been studying the subject during the ‘ interregnum ’ ) .
7 He and his men had killed three Germans in this house when he burst into a back room and was probably killed by a fourth German hiding there , although he may have been hit from across the street .
8 A Royal Ulster Constabulary spokesman said : ‘ Although he may have been coming to the end of his racing career , he was potentially valuable for stud purposes . ’
9 To the end of his life Picasso himself did not bother to distinguish between African and Oceanic art , although he must have been aware of distinctions between the two during his contacts with the Surrealists in the 1920s , for they tended to prefer and extol the ‘ marvellous ’ properties of the latter .
10 He appeared slight standing next to the sergeant major , although he must have been a shade over six feet himself .
11 Thiercelin was somewhat less interested than he would have been a few days earlier .
12 If he thought instant bankruptcy would result from such disclosures , he must be no less earnest to become a bankrupt for the just advantage of his creditors than he would have been resolute not to fail by collusion for the purpose of defrauding them .
13 The board assessed his compensation at a substantially lower figure than he would have been awarded by an industrial tribunal had he been able in law to appeal to such a tribunal .
14 Kelly grunted , seemingly no more upset by the destruction of his diner than he would have been by a broken plate .
15 He was less severe with me than he would have been normally , but I saw I could not expect great leniency from him .
16 ‘ Right , so Fagg is just more xenophobic and choleric than he would have been in his prime . ’
17 But he was no more comfortable on the radio programme than he would have been on the real desert island .
18 However , given that the disclaimer of responsibility is valid under the UCTA , it is hard to see why such a solution , which puts the buyer in a better position than he would have been in if no express remedies were available , should fall foul of the UCTA .
19 The Doctor was less worried than he might have been .
20 Bernard , harder on his own son than he might have been on any other twenty-three-year-old in the company was not keen , telling him he had no business experience .
21 Paul was less glad of the news than he should have been , in her opinion ; it was too far from his work at Mrs Gracie 's , he said .
22 Mm , apparently the guy that was driving it had overalls on , so he may have been a mechanic delivering it to somewhere or test driving it over there
23 Great-Grandfather was running a farm at the same time , so he must have been a very busy man .
24 It was n't my blood , so he must have been bleeding as well
25 ‘ Mr Stewart invited him in so he must have been expecting him ’ said Mrs Donnelly .
26 ‘ He looks like he must have been pretty naughty , ’ she said , and handed the picture back to him .
27 He finished his beer sadly , wondered if he would have been better off , after all , among them at the club .
28 Carey continued : ‘ I doubt if He would have been impressed by the argument that the goats had been waiting for these things to trickle down as a by-product of economic growth . ’
29 Duncan looked at the people passing by , wondering if he would have been one of them had Grandfather Ilya Denknetzeyan decided not leave Russia .
30 The delicate tumbler was out of place in his heavy hand ; he looked as if he would have been more comfortable carrying a bottle of beer .
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