Example sentences of "[subord] you [verb] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 If you cast on and work widthways the work will grow in no time and you merely need to work until the strip is slightly longer than you need so that you can cut it to fit after sewing it on .
2 Once you got behind that she was very much more composed .
3 That 's one of the reasons why I 'm , why I 'm also interested in er in Freud because I think Freud provides that , I happen to think that Freud 's studies of , of crowd group psychology actually explain that , although it takes time to you know , certainly not at five minutes to four , it takes time to explain , but I think there is an explanation there and I think you c y y you can claim that there are certain emotions to do with identification and idealization , th that our genes have a programmer which things like erm nationalistic erm , erm er kind of jingoism can exploit in a modern culture which in primal cultures would have primal cultures people identify with their , with their local kin and their local culture and that 's that might ultimately promote their reproductive success , but that in modern cultures , this identification occurs with erm on a completely different level and with lots of people will not merely because you need so many more people modern cultures you have much more erm much bigger groups and you just meet many more people that , than you were ever th there is some interesting research , research recently published for instance which shows erm organizations seem to have a critical size and that people are not really able to track more than about two hundred and fifty other people , in other words you can have face-to-face relationships with up to about two hundred and fifty others , but once it gets beyond two hundred and fifty it 's too much and you start forgetting somebody as if the brain was primed to an optimum group size and once you get above that you just ca n't keep .
4 But if I 'm moving around slightly like this and you 're having to follow with your eyes as I 'm making my presentation it brings variety to it brings that bit of variety like you said earlier that it brings some interest to it .
5 I tell ya if you can , if you know anywhere that 's got one
6 If you take away that one minute , I think we matched Hartlepool .
7 The police have no right of entry without a warrant and will certainly understand if you explain politely that you are reluctant to let them in .
8 You had to look very cheerful and normal while you worked so that no one would guess you were praying .
9 Erm , I mean I really ca n't , I do n't expect them to surge ahead as they did last year but all the signs are that , that , they 're doing very well and er , it 's a very well managed business erm , great cost control er , I do n't know whether you noticed recently that Meryl des described the erm , the management of erm , of A W as the er , I think it was the creme de la creme of the
10 Tell the resident what you plan to do before you start so that he/she knows what is about to happen and can help if possible .
11 To begin , take a deep breath before you start so that you do n't run out of breath in the middle of the sentence .
12 My dear Victor , I want you to know before you arrive home that an awful thing has happened .
13 ‘ It was probably only when you got outside that you realised how much circumstances looked against you .
14 Use a strip of knitting as long as you want for your finished garland , sewn as you go so that you have a covered cone , about six inches of knitting unsewn , another cone — as long as long as you want your garland to be .
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