Example sentences of "[subord] i have never see " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I like Dickon , although I 've never seen him . ’
2 Indeed the magazine tables proffer The Economist , the Spectator and a clutch of literary magazines , although I 've never seen any of them being read .
3 They 've got the spare uniform somewhere , although I 've never seen it .
4 I 'd told her not to worry and that he was one of the lads , although I 'd never seen him before , and we were just waiting for her to go before we started the party .
5 OK , so I 've never seen Kurt look quite that pale before , and I 'm not sure it 's such a good idea for Courtney to be zipping about with Kurt on that hired motorbike while seven months pregnant but , hell , it 's not as if anyone 's dead .
6 I know you write under the pseudonym of Ben MacLean and wish to keep your literary activities secret , so I have never seen anything wrong in taking in your mail . ’
7 I would have married her , if I 'd never seen your beautiful face !
8 He was spending money like I 'd never seen .
9 No , I think he 's , I said to Robert I 've got quite a good streak cos I 've never seen Sally
10 I admit that there must be some degree of doubt , because I 've never seen this injury anywhere else in isolation .
11 It just does n't seem convincing to me maybe because I 've never seen it done .
12 It was great , but it was I mean , I , I have to watch it because I 'd never seen it before
13 If he 'd gone to the crematorium mortuary with Alan , there would have been a blank in my mind , as I had never seen it , and anyway it was thirty miles away .
14 This could be correct as I have never seen them spawn , as other tetras , in the early morning .
15 Too late I thought of adding , ‘ On oath , my lord ? ’ , for I have never seen a more striking example of the perils of what the law calls ‘ fleeting identification ’ , and this from a witness to whom I was not a total stranger and who himself , both as counsel and judge , had had long experience in assessing the worth of ID witnesses in court .
16 I remember this well for I have never seen the like since .
17 Unmistakable , even though I had never seen one before ; a big bird , brown and grey with a red throat , low in the water , where the wind-rippled surface managed to camouflage it in the most extraordinary way .
18 Spellbound , I drove upwards into the bright splendour , staring through the windscreen as though I had never seen it all before ; the bronze of the dead bracken spilling down the grassy Banks of the hills , the dark smudges of trees , the grey farmhouses and the endless pattern of wails creeping to the heather above .
19 It is said to be slightly yellowish , though I have never seen any colour in it either with the naked eye or with binoculars .
20 It is medieval , though I have never seen anything like it before .
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