Example sentences of "[subord] she have [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To comfort her desolation and guilt Rachel had told her about the Mongolian desert , where she had been as a little girl , hardly older than Maggie was now , to look for dragons , which she called dinosaurs , and where years later Russian palaeontologists had found the great fossil eggs in which the sleeping baby dinosaurs could still be seen .
2 John Parke writes It was a sad day when the news came some two years ago that Ann Hoare was suffering from cancer and that she had taken early retirement from her post as assistant manager of Exeter University Bookshop , where she had been on the staff since it opened .
3 Back in the main sitting room where she had been at first she was introduced to Antonietta 's husband Gennaro who was the head of the household .
4 She then moved to Bristol City Council where she has been for some months .
5 ‘ She thinks she 's a radical 'cause she 's been to West Belfast once and scribbled Bernadette Devlin 's name in pencil on the Falls Wall ! ’
6 However , the London season was almost upon them and she was more cheerful than she 'd been for weeks .
7 R R Ricky er Richie er longer than she 'd been with any you know , boy that she got on with
8 Yet Jezrael knew he 'd been one of them for longer than she 'd been on Mars .
9 She had no wish to hurt Anna and besides , how could she complain when the truth was that she was happier here at the palazzo than she 'd been in a long time ?
10 He too wanted to talk to her about the attack , but found her far less ready to talk to him than she had been to the woman from the gipsy encampment .
11 Russia backed Austria , only to make plain in 1851 that she was no more willing to contemplate Viennese domination of German affairs than she had been to back Prussian .
12 England was something like a nation by the closing stages of the Hundred Years War with France in the mid-fifteenth century , and France was certainly much more like a nation at the end of the war than she had been at the beginning .
13 I did n't think she was ever going to be as appealing as Frances , but I hoped that by the end of the book she would be a little more appealing than she had been at the beginning . ’
14 She left a little while later , happier than she had been for a long time .
15 ‘ Oh , Mr Varna , I 'm so sorry … ’ she stuttered , even more horrified by her gaffe than she had been about letting a strange woman push her way into the holy of holies .
16 She may have had some capital of her own , though many a wife in Victorian times was little better off as one man 's wife than she had been as another man 's daughter :
17 She was now 15lb ( 7kg ) heavier than she had been in her single days ; she felt tired and run down , and suffered with migraines , abdominal bloating and increasing premenstrual symptoms including irritability , nervous tension , depression , tearfulness , confusion , weight gain , sore breasts and insomnia .
18 Nervy or not , she was particularly convincing in her role as Olwyn , more so than she had been in previous rehearsals .
19 For some reason she was more stricken by the loss of the letters than she had been by the news of John 's and Angela 's deaths .
20 Frances has been fostering animals at Freshfield Animal Rescue Centre near her home even longer than she 's been at Ashworth .
21 As Elisabeth , Rosalind Plowright sounded more secure than she has been for some time on British stages and sang her last aria with true Verdian pathos and passion .
22 I mean obviously once she 's been through the learning process herself , so Doug came away feeling quite pleased that he 'd made that contact and he also sort of made one or two , he , he had one or two wise observations I think about the evening , he made one or two new contacts himself and the suggestion and things , he spoke very well about it , at our committee on our last meeting last week
23 Yeah and I said to her erm , and she said I do n't know how it came out about her son in the fire service , oh I know she 'd just come back from Orlando , cos she 'd been off work having had a hysterectomy and she had three week 's leave due to her
24 all of them so when her class came up , cos she 'd been with the class right from nursery and when she put into this you know , with the double third year , cos they go upstairs for third and fourth year and they really do classes below she did n't know anything in the class !
25 If she 'd been at home and beset by devils like this , she would most likely have gone for a walk .
26 I think she thought I was crying at firs , I think I might have been , but then she started laughing too , with her face all twisted to one side as if she 'd been to the dentist , and she kept gasping and saying , " Ooh , it hurts !
27 If she 'd been on 4AD , she 'd be given the same amount of attention as the Muses , Pixies or Breeders .
28 If she 'd been in the kid 's place , she 'd have run off by now and left them all to it .
29 She appeared to have been holding a makeshift icepack to the side of her head and a couple of the cubes had skidded out of reach and begun to melt , almost as if she 'd been in too much of a hurry to stretch over for them .
30 If she 'd been in love with Henry she 'd have agreed to be his mistress — not made him wait seven years for a divorce before she let him take her to bed .
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