Example sentences of "[subord] she [verb] [vb pp] time " in BNC.

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1 But not yet — not until she had had time to rebuild her shattered defences .
2 Not until she had had time to explain that Oliver was only a little boy , that he had n't really understood …
3 She did n't want him to see it until she 'd had time to think .
4 He asked if she 'd had time to think about it .
5 And what I suggest we do is seeing Georgina 's here we send you through to see Georgina and she can , if she 's got time , we can briefly run through one or two types .
6 So now you 're imagining that he , whoever he is , popped this through the letterbox , waited till she had had time to read it , then rang the bell and invited her to take a stroll with him .
7 It was years since she had spent time alone with her father .
8 However , after she 'd had time to calm down , Susan returned to the salon the next day to try to get her money back .
9 She took a sip of wine before she 'd had time to wonder whether that might be wise .
10 The words were impulsive , out before she 'd had time to vet them .
11 Then , before she 'd had time to express her thanks , he 'd touched her cheek briefly with his warm , dry lips and stridden away , leaving her feeling lonely and bereft , the small box clasped in her hand .
12 Afterwards , when he drew her close , she went to sleep almost before she 'd had time to savour the pleasure of lying in his arms .
13 As he saw her , he stretched out his arms and lifted her up before she had had time to reach the bottom step .
14 Perhaps Rachel did too , or would do when she had had time to work it out .
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