Example sentences of "[subord] she [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 One step , and she could be in his arms , where she craved to be .
2 Keepers discovered her desperately fighting for life at the West Midlands Safari Park where she had to be hand-reared before being transferred to the Kingsley wildlife sanctuary , Cheshire , where she takes every opportunity to hitch a ride from the resident Bull Terrier bitch .
3 ‘ But Christabel 's out on the edge , in the wind and the rain , where she wanted to be .
4 She was here , where she wanted to be .
5 Janice looks ashen with worry , and does n't see me although she appears to be looking hardest of all .
6 She was polite , but no friendlier than she had to be ; she looked at Gillian 's jeans with disapproval but without comment .
7 Soderstrom — who later in the concert jokingly apologised for her scratchiness — was obviously miserable , more miserable than she needed to be , about the quality of the sound she was making , and her misery took the form of distinguished concentration on pitch , so that there were many small uncharacteristic faults in her intonation .
8 By the time she entered the building and hurried across to Occupational Health she was several minutes later than she liked to be in the mornings .
9 He wanted to touch June more than she wanted to be touched and he was bitterly upset that June was rejecting him sexually .
10 She was no more needed , she realised wretchedly , than she wanted to be here .
11 He was a radical so she had to be even more radical .
12 only go so high to do a course and she was on an F grade so she had to be taken down .
13 So she wants to be rid of me !
14 Cos I said I 'm really surprised , I said I thought you must come at least every week cos she seems to be so confident in the water .
15 it opens the door , it opens the door , that 's why both my younger girls , I mean Diane 's a different policy any way cos she wants to be a , but with the other two , who worked interest in computers and when they left college I gave them crash course in , in typing not in shorthand because they do n't they do n't need shorthand nowadays ,
16 She sighed shudderingly , momentarily glad of the shadows of the cave , even if she longed to be out of it .
17 We are indebted to Beumont et al for having grasped the nettle in laying down the grade at which a girl or woman can expect to be respected as a climber and transcend the status defined by ‘ bimbo , ’ i.e. interesting only if she happens to be pretty .
18 She had guessed it would look better — more disarming — not to be carrying a bag ; as if she expected to be out only for a short time .
19 Hugh was nearest to her , and if she arranged to be on the side of his wounded arm she thought it would be easy to get away .
20 Susan felt the gesture as if it had barely lapsed — felt his hand on the nape of her neck , the gentle pull that turned her face up to his — and she cried out , almost as if she hoped to be heard .
21 He would not have liked it if she seemed to be saying that they could get away any time they wanted to .
22 But if she continues to be led into trying out dangerous sports , who knows ?
23 ‘ He was a great poet , ’ I said , as if she needed to be told .
24 His girlfriend , a dealer too , would give him a bored hard look , if she happened to be around .
25 Madeleine was his sole reason for wanting to return to England — although naturally he 'd love to see Alice if she happened to be in London .
26 Maybe , if she appeared to be unruffled by his underhand behaviour , Luther would seek other means by which to destroy her peace of mind .
27 ‘ Because Stapleton thought that she would be very much more useful to him if she appeared to be a free woman . ’
28 She looked at him coolly , unsure if she wanted to be used in this way .
29 At five , Maura knew that if she wanted to be a part of their games she had to sit and watch quietly , otherwise they would sneak out of the garden leaving her alone .
30 Typically , Oliver said that after the marriage Gill ought to call herself Mrs Gillian Wyatt-or-Hughes , that is if she wanted to be logical and grammatical and commonsensical and diplomatic and cumbersome .
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