Example sentences of "[subord] they [verb] see [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Record of Achievement should be available , complete and containing all end of Module Test Papers , all Coursework completed , the signed record sheets of attendance , and records of all practical work , for the Examiners if they wish to see them .
2 She ran into other nearby shops looking for him and asking people if they 'd seen him .
3 He searched everywhere for it , going right through the village , asking people if they 'd seen it .
4 The following day I asked the young women of an all-girls ' school I was visiting if they had seen her , and what they thought .
5 I asked the villagers if they had seen him and Mr Natchet , the postman , said he had met him by the front gate when delivering letters about a month ago .
6 On the other hand , he thought , if they did see them , most of the girls were too tactful to say anything .
7 Though whether they 'll be able to do anything about it if they do see him … ’
8 So I said , well , I have my thing here in Salzburg ; if they want to see it they must make the effort to come here .
9 and erm I went to a youth club and I I was speaking to eight year olds and they 're asking about condoms cos they 've seen them in the street , so it 's obviously they 're wanting to find out about it cos it 's everywhere around them even , does n't matter what age .
10 Half the English and American ladies do n't realize until they 've seen it that it is linked to the Baron , and if we make a feature of that in the advance publicity we can suggest double bookings for consecutive nights .
11 Sometimes you get hung up on people wanting to know you just because they 've seen you on the telly , and of course that is n't there with other actors .
12 Such as Agnes and Flora , two " unknowns " who sent her a postcard because they had seen her on " telly " and were sorry to hear she was poorly ; eighty-year-old Phoebe who kept them awake one night when she was in a distressed state ; the flower lover who treated the ward as a potting shed taking clippings from the various plants ; the " blether " of women she was invited to join round one of the beds when she was fit enough to take a short walk .
13 There are , of course , civil and legal reasons for this , but it also serves the purpose of confirming to the person that their relative has actually died because they have seen it for themselves , the proof is before them .
14 I would n't be surprised to learn that many people do now smoke only a quarter of their cigarettes on the bed when worried , simply because they have seen it so often in films .
15 It 's hard with family to pull the wool over their eyes emotionally because they have seen you go through all sorts of things when you are growing up . ’
16 And that is n't so long since they 'd seen her
17 In his questionnaire , he named some of the more famous such videos , and asked the children to say whether they had seen them .
18 He wondered whether they would see the Tree Spirits and then he wondered whether they wanted to see them .
19 They know what there is to find before they 've seen it .
20 He had caught a glimpse of two bare legs , an exposed breast , a man with his trousers about his knees , before they had seen him , and he had run off , blundering panic-stricken through the undergrowth .
21 Under the rules of 1865 they remained responsible for their publications after they had seen them into print .
22 Their flat was described as a garden flat when they came to see it , which was the only occasion on which they were asked to come into the garden , into which they were later told they had no right of entry .
23 I 'm talking when , when they 've seen it !
24 And when they had seen it they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning the child .
25 While in Greenham , when they 'd seen 'em , They said , " How to choose between 'em ?
26 ‘ Well ? ’ said William , when they 'd seen it all and adjourned to the pub opposite the station , an old waiting room of a pub that had not yet been converted into a wine bar or a theme park and was consequently empty .
27 ‘ But when they do see them , their reaction is always the same .
28 For example , a number of groups have described patients who can point to the location of briefly flashed stimuli , even though they deny seeing them .
29 Through a gap a long wave of treetops stretched to the horizon , in the middle distance the smoke was coming and going in irregular bursts as they had seen it do once before from Ridgery Steep .
30 And there at Stamford , the beautiful town that Celia Fiennes and Defoe had admired so much remained almost exactly as they had seen it : but fossilised , moribund .
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