Example sentences of "[subord] they [verb] their [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The big city station from which they saw off their loved ones to war , from where they left for their honeymoons and holidays , where they kept their romantic trysts under the station clock , has been obliterated or at the very least altered out of all recognition .
2 Haberdashers ' batting against Johor State at Ceylon CC , Singapore , where they suffered their only defeat in six matches , four of which ended in victory for the touring school .
3 The Chieftains rarely enjoy their trips to South London , where they suffered their heaviest defeat of the season 16–3 in December .
4 So I see evaluation as a very democratic activity , which allows people perhaps to appreciate each other 's viewpoints a little more than might otherwise be the case erm and does n't pretend that people all feel the same about things , but at the same time it does n't attempt to sort of countermand the realities of the situation that , you know , each person ca n't go their own sweet way , there have to be quite a lot of collective decisions and people have to recognise where the majority opinion is , but at least they do it from a standpoint that erm where they feel their own value still has some worth and is still being recognised .
5 But ask state workers where they buy their new outfits , be it of traditional African cloth or stylish jeans , and the answer is likely to be Rock Santeiro .
6 In other words , although they transferred their own Golden Age from the past to the future , a quasi-cyclical factor was involved .
7 Just one in 10 single girls want to marry one , although they like their future husband to have good job prospects .
8 They were persuaded to do so by friends in aid of a ‘ good cause ’ , although they keep their 17th-century house firmly locked with curtains drawn .
9 Generics and conceptual anaphora ( Gernsbacher 1986 ) , and subsets resulting from quantification ( Moxey & Sanford 1987 ) may be included in this group , although they present their own problems for anaphoric interpretations .
10 His family was moved to a modest family home nearby , although they retained their other house in Mayfair , London .
11 They won only three of the 15 races although they held their own until just past the halfway stage .
12 Although they have their main magnificent flush in June , the spires of delphiniums can be encouraged to flower later if cut down and watered
13 Royce Simmons ' men snatched a shock 14–13 victory in September , although they lost their next three games against the champions , including a 42–0 defeat on their own ground .
14 Royce Simmons ' men snatched a shock 14–13 victory in September , although they lost their next three games against the champions including a 42–0 defeat on their own ground .
15 Negative voting was also a significant feature of the election , 59% of all voters disliking the other party ( or parties ) more than they liked their own .
16 I mean I 've got , some of my best friends are fucking sub contractors as you know , really good friends , I mean Jonesy brilliant friend , a great friend , a nice geezer , er Bill beautifully bloke , really nice , but they should be the first ones out the door , Rumbolds should think more of their permanent staff than they do their fucking contractors staff that 's what makes this company work , that 's what makes this company worst than all the rest , ok , you get , you get Union companies which are , must employ sub contractors all the time ,
17 Moreover , insofar as a nationalist aristocracy fought for democracy , so they undermined their own privilege :
18 Mike Sheron also played , so they had their best 4 players , and we wont come across a much quicker defence this season , and STILL managed to create chances all the way thru the match .
19 I think it is important for trade unionists to realise this , so they know their fellow trade unionists are sitting on these appeal panels to try to ensure justice is done , and not for financial gain .
20 ‘ For a long time , ’ he says , ‘ the king acted on the advice of William of Montague , who always encouraged him to excellence , honour , and love of arms : and so they led their young lives in pleasant fashion , until there came a more serious time with more serious matters . ’
21 Disregarding an order to halt , the knights advanced on the English and as they did so they drove their Genoese crossbowmen before them .
22 They think that they are far too rare to travel with the ordinary animals on Noah 's ark so they build their own ’ .
23 They think that they are far too rare to travel with the ordinary animals on Noah 's ark so they build their own ’ .
24 Just as many Zuwaya resented or rejected the state while they took salaries or subsidies from the government , so they held their hostile attitude to police forces distinct from kinship connections with policemen ( though they were pleased when they had none ) .
25 SHAW Branch Manager John Powell had to pay up quicker than he expected after promising his staff an expenses-paid outing if they achieved their Royal Scottish leads target .
26 The justification is that it is undesirable for domestic firms to compete against each other in overseas markets : national welfare is enhanced if they maximize their joint rents .
27 If they survive their first outing on a ‘ real course ’ and still have the golf bug , they can progress to the 2,294-yard Shey Copse course , a nine-hole mixture of par-3s and medium length par-4s .
28 But if they follow their usual form they will do nothing , because they are prepared to accept medieval barbarity rather than strain trade relations . ’
29 They might be shocked if they realized their destructive influence on those they meet Last night I was at a social gathering .
30 SUNDERLAND and Middlesbrough will face former heroes in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup if they win their fifth round replays .
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