Example sentences of "[subord] they [verb] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Some were taken back to the dungeons of Black Crag where they remain to this day , to the anger of Kazador .
2 The documents obtained in this way were stored in an archive in Salamanca ( where they remain to this day ) and , after the end of the war , were constantly referred to by the military courts trying suspected Republicans .
3 Here they attempted to persuade consumers not to install additional appliances which would overload the mains : where they failed in this , breakdowns inevitably followed .
4 We are also interested in the Central Wales Line , the Shrewsbury and Hereford Line and the Cambrian , particularly where they run through this area .
5 Both Susan and Father Martin have said that although they disagree on this issue , they can do so in love .
6 The debates will turn out to be less clear and clean than they seem in this outline .
7 Those who do not should be escorted to a suitable room where another member of staff should remain with them if possible , if they wish for this .
8 Will the Attorney-General please assure the House that such action will also be taken against people who do not normally reside here , such as Louis Farrakhan — if by mistake he or anyone like him is allowed in — if they come to this country to try to stir up racial hatred in this decent land ?
9 And so would ten thousand others be if they knew of this … what can we call it ?
10 I wo n't half be surprised if they get in this time , I really will
11 Now they could then say well that particular group of people , if they looked at this evidence that I 've got , would want to say this about it and they would want to change it in such and such a way , and there 's another group of people who perhaps have rather different views on what history might be doing and they would view the evidence and argue about it in this way .
12 If they fell in this without a wetsuit they 'd be dead .
13 ‘ I think people get even angrier if they think about this precise thing that was done in their so-called formative years that made them the way they are .
14 If they leave during this period they will be entitled to redundancy pay provided that the industrial tribunal considers their leaving was reasonable or the job at the new location was unsuitable .
15 If they fail in this they are likely to be ineffective and encourage forms of organisation and control that are essentially unprofessional in their character and consequences .
16 If they did on this occasion Owen would be ready .
17 So , those who do not support hunting will do nothing practical to protect foxes , if they vote for this motion today in that respect it is and I suggest the people who move it know that it is , nothing but sanctimonious twaddle .
18 And there was not a great lot of the clover seeded about until they started with this wild white clover .
19 Because they live in this way , viruses are often pathogenic — they cause disease .
20 Former Tory Cabinet Minister , leading constitutional expert and friend of the Royal family Lord St John of Fawsley said last night the announcement ‘ must mean a change in the role of the Monarchy because they have for this century , and indeed the whole of the last one , been held up as an example of model family rectitude .
21 Tories opposed the new credit system set up in the 1690s not because they objected to this type of economic enterprise , but because the benefits to be accrued from it largely passed them by .
22 But whereas they concluded from this that it was desirable to devise institutional checks on the will of the majority , Rousseau accepted the principle of majority decisions but tried to envisage conditions under which the majority would truly represent the community as a whole and not simply a collection of group or individual interests .
23 The nomes ran in silence while they thought about this .
24 The nomes fell silent while they thought about this .
25 S with the Jehovah 's Witness , I do n't whether they come under this category or not .
26 The Inland Revenue Technical Division were asked in correspondence whether they adhered to this view where the income in question was paid to a beneficiary who was neither resident nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom or , alternatively , where foreign source income was concerned , was paid outside the United Kingdom to a beneficiary who was not domiciled in the United Kingdom .
27 I can not say whether they travelled on this good modern road .
28 ‘ Stephen , ’ Anna asked quietly , ‘ did you go to see Sarah and Hassan in Australia , the night before they came to this country ? ’
29 ‘ But only bad players are affected by crowds like that and the bad players are weeded out before they get to this level . ’
30 Er in fact I think John perhaps ought to introduce a , a course of self restraint for estuary management negotiators erm so that they can have er some pre-training before they go into this forum .
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