Example sentences of "[subord] it be [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 The difference between market value and book value of land should be disclosed where it is substantial and the directors think it is of significance to the members .
2 The difference between the market value and book value of land should be disclosed where it is substantial and the directors think it is of significance to the members .
3 The comment from , Scottish & Newcastle 's finance director , was typical : ‘ I think it 's a very important concept that the board through management is responsible for seeing that internal control works and for the day-to-day detection of fraud , while the auditors also have a responsibility where it is material and affects the annual accounts . ’
4 Both the local gas region and the electricity company can offer you a prepayment meter where it is safe and practical to put one in , although some local fuel boards have been reluctant to offer pre-payment meters to people who are not in debt .
5 She said there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called … bromeliads , I think , and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and once you know the world is full of things like that your life is never the same . ’
6 And there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called bromeliads and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and the world is full of things like that and now I know about them and I 'm never ever going to be able to see them and then you , ’ she gulped for breath , ‘ want me to come and live with you in a hole and wash your socks ! ’
7 In here where it 's nice and sunny ?
8 Then one of the kids yells that the tap has run cold , and they turn it off and bathroom and shuts the door , and the kids shriek in the water and I drift slowly back to our bedroom where it 's quiet and drab .
9 Dexter noticed that each report ended with Nicola addressing the camera , even in the third one , where it was unnecessary and intrusive .
10 Tempers reached breaking point when filming moved to the New York locations , where it was hot and muggy .
11 Mr Sells said data emerging from hospitals in Madras was offering an alternative where it was impractical and too expensive to treat large numbers of patients on dialysis machines .
12 A little further on Michele turned into a side-canal , where it was shady and appreciably cooler .
13 It was an unexpectedly tender insight on the part of the Arabs to accommodate their infants up here where it was airy and cool .
14 For many beginners , reaching , turning and often falling is what an afternoon 's windsurfing consists of , which , although it is comforting and fun to be with the dozens of others who are doing exactly the same , does n't lead to much improvement in their sailing .
15 Although it is black and white and often carries its tail cocked up , the Seychelles magpie robin is , of course , neither a magpie nor a robin .
16 But although it is tough and likely to get tougher , there are still opportunities : these require a longer term , strategic approach to the practice , and considerable steps towards achieving greater efficiency and productivity .
17 Replacing the battery is n't difficult , although it is fiddly and to accomplish this and to gain access to the truss rod a circular plate on the back of the guitar has to be removed .
18 Although it 's disagreeable and stressful ( bull and stressful )
19 Although it was terrible and they must be accountable .
20 Although it was late and Mr Edgar was tired after his journey , Joseph insisted , so I took him to the master 's room .
21 Although it was small and its facilities were poor , the standard of learning attained was high , as was illustrated by McJannet in his History of Irvine when he noted that as early as 1729 , the pupils ‘ translated part of a Greek Testament into Latin ; some of the Roman authors into English … and also translated many English sentences into elegant Latin with great dexterity . ’
22 Although it was small and seemed damp , we were told work would soon be done to bring it up to an acceptable level . ’
23 Although it was dark and the road twisted away in both directions , the undertaker had stood still and listened for several seconds before venturing up the steps to the front door .
24 He moved at once , for he would not lie here on the floor before this ancient evil creature and , although it was awkward and painful to stand up because of the ropes that bound his arms , he did so in a swift fluid movement and stood eyeing the Robemaker .
25 Although it was cold and the air was running out , she was burning up .
26 Go left to reach the small square of Piazza Sant' Eufemia , where across a small lawn that is longer than it is wide and bordered by tall conifers , you will see the church that gives the piazza its name .
27 The pubic louse is broader than it is long and the four hind legs are equipped with claws with which it hangs on to the pubic hairs .
28 One problem lies in the fact that the space is considerably wider than it is long and this means that any design needs to lead the eye away from the all-too-close rectangular boundaries .
29 One other initiative was announced in a written answer to me only today , so it is topical and relevant .
30 In the summer , open windows and in the winter , turn on the heating so it is warm and welcoming .
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