Example sentences of "[subord] a [noun sg] to be " in BNC.

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1 It may even have been envisaged that the holder of the office would act as , in some sense , chief adviser to the sultan on matters pertaining to the sacred law , although a point to be noted in this connection is that both Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan lived in Bursa while the sultan resided for the most part in Edirne .
2 Such nurses need to benefit from an individual appraisal and assessment of their experience and skills so that re-entry becomes a natural progression for them rather than a hurdle to be jumped .
3 Each replied that he did not wish to see him without consulting his solicitor as the depositions had been taken and it was understood that nothing further was required other than a date to be set for the trial .
4 Once this alienation had set in , it was inevitable that , as in our day , the loved one should come to be regarded — at least by the conscious mind — as no more than a body to be disposed of as quickly and hygienically as possible .
5 The family doctor was a name on a card rather than a face to be recognised in the street .
6 The great features of that map , which make it something more than a picture to be imperfectly copied by laborious childish pens , are the great promontories of Caernarvon , of Pembroke , of Gower and of Cornwall , jutting out into the western sea , like the features of a grim large face , such a face as is carved on a ship 's prow … .
7 And he had spoken of her as though she were no more than a female to be used and then discarded .
8 MATURITY IS : The understanding that if love is not viewed more as a commitment to be entered into than a desire to be fulfilled , neither will happen .
9 Rights are a central issue in being assertive ( see page 8 ) , since a decision to be assertive , as opposed to aggressive or submissive , is in effect a decision to stand up for your rights in a way that respects other people 's rights .
10 But , in spite of the Royal Navy , Jones , after a voyage to be described later , sailed safely back to France , where his reception more than made up for the much cooler one he had received after his ‘ Whitehaven ’ cruise 18 months before .
11 Fairly early in Take a girl like you , Patrick delivers himself of an unqualified condemnation of women , which is followed by a sentence from the narrator concerning and presumably condemning Patrick 's attitude to Jenny at that stage , as a girl to be taken and left : ‘ He wanted more than his share of her before anybody else had any . ’
12 It 's nice as a Minister to be able to do this , to look after your own patch . ’
13 This is Dr G 's dilemma : that although he tries to inculcate students with a sense of the beauty and joy of the subject , and to stimulate their minds , they often refuse to think , or to be critical and regard physics in an entirely instrumental way , as a degree to be gained , which will enable them to do something ‘ useful ’ , namely defence research .
14 The fact is Koi have a pecking order — not based on aggression , so much as a will to be first up to the pellets .
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