Example sentences of "[subord] the [n mass] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then she followed her father back towards the flock , where the sheep at the rear , desperate at the sight of hay ahead and too stupid to look for it from any source except the one they all sought , were scrambling on to each other 's backs in panic .
2 Immediately the people in the street and in the house all began to shout ‘ Fire ! ’ very loudly .
3 In reality , however , it might be easier to find the £12,230 capital to finance the outdoor venture than the £88,000 for the alternative indoor housing .
4 It emerged from Romanesque into a specific style , different from but no less fine than the works of the Renaissance .
5 The Buckinghamshire ratios were £71 per thousand in 1515 , £68 in 1524 and £79 in 1522 when the average for just about half of Berkshire was only marginally higher than the £88 for the complete county in 1515 .
6 Who is my neighbour ? becomes a difficult question to answer for people who feel they know the characters in Dallas better than the folk on the floor beneath them in the multi-storey .
7 The rest of us , without the cred and the bad dress sense , have to work for a living and generally we do n't regard the politics of envy as espoused by your paper as anything other than the ethics of the under-achiever and failure .
8 Alan had been in the third coach of the second train and was therefore luckier than the people in the first and second coaches , several of whom were dead
9 It frightened me more than the people behind the counter . ’
10 ‘ Entry forms are available now , closing date is June 7 , and anyone not entered by then will have to pay substantially more than the £4.50 for the half marathon and £3.50 for the fun run fees now in force . ’
11 Senior professors at our university , for example , may earn less than the staff at the nearby Westernised hotel and considerably less than the street corner cobblers or entrepreneur peasants , but they get massive banquets and use of the university 's chauffeur-driven cars .
12 Although the data from the first study are still being analysed , initial results are promising .
13 You will , by now , have had the experience of making at least two sleeves , so the pair for the handle ends of the lines can be made up' in the field' quite easily with just that wire needle and a box of matches to hand .
14 So the folk of the village capitalized on this gift from the gods , that had come to them in their darkest hour .
15 It was his responsibility to convince the Whale to cooperate in the hunt , so the people of the village might be fed and clothed for another season .
16 The party is being held in a ballroom the size of Carnegie Hall and they 've forgotten to provide a podium so the people at the back have no idea you 're there .
17 The priests had followed one of two paths : those who took the full vows of celibacy and poverty provided the staff at the houses dedicated to training the young priests ; and those who , after their training , became associates and went into the parishes , to all intents and purposes no different from priests trained elsewhere .
18 Wellcome would not comment further until the data from the study had been fully analysed , although the preliminary indications were ‘ encouraging ’ .
19 In fact , we can turn the apparent paradox on its head : what would happen if the people of the future decided not to communicate with the past , despite the fact that their histories told them that they were going to ?
20 If the people at the church find out Ernie 's turned Bolshevik I wo n't be able ter old me 'ead up in there ever again . ’
21 Well if the people at the back of her were having terrible row ah I I ha I hated it , it was horrible .
22 If the people from the hill farms around the loch foot could be mobilized , they would add a fierce thrust to the movement .
23 This time , her directness must have been disarming , because there was an answering murmur as if the people in the bar knew what she 'd said .
24 That is because the offspring of the traditional older working class have gone on to the more pleasant and remunerative employments , the employments that are also called work .
25 Now , it is Kingfisher which has become a favourite — not because the people at the helm have great shopkeeping flair but because their cautious and unflamboyant management style has created a retailing empire of solid reliability .
26 It 's quite nice because the people at the classes come to hear the music as well as to keep fit .
27 Do you think that are so far down on the totem pole because the people at the top are men and are taking decision that are n't in women 's best interests ?
28 I suspect that there 'll there 'd been a certain amount of alienation for a long time things that the men had to accept because the people with the money and therefore the power said that they had to you know a I think quarry men are very proud on one level great sort of craftsmen in a way and erm I 'm sure that you know th the last couple of years well I 've heard them say really tha that there 'd been things niggling them with the management but I suppose this was just like a blatant smack in the face and they realize that if they accepted this if they let the management walk all over them this was the thin end of the wedge you know that .
29 Under strain for a start because it was technically ill-equipped to avert disaster or to cope with the consequences when disaster struck ; under strain from commercial pressures which , as the inquiry puts it , ‘ compromised ’ safety ; under strain above all because the people on the spot could n't or would n't cope , were weary from gruesome working hours ( the senior signal technician who heads the list of the culpable had had only one day off in the past 13 weeks ) , lacked adequate training , or simply could n't be bothered .
30 We would n't let them meet on the corners because the people in the houses on the corners always used to complain of the row that they made — used to chase them .
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