Example sentences of "[subord] the [noun] be to " in BNC.

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1 Move the cursor to the character space where the text is to be inserted .
2 Is n't that where the music is to be ? ’
3 Where the case is to be tried by a jury in the crown court , the judge should decide at a pre-trial hearing whether to admit the video as evidence .
4 The hearse took her to St Paul 's churchyard where the service was to be held .
5 Technically , the Act does not oblige the person imposing the conditions to specify which of the alternative grounds he relies upon for his authority to do so , although where the event is to be held in the future , the directions given by the chief of police must be in writing .
6 The protein part of the LDL reacts with another protein in the membrane of the tissue , where the cholesterol is to be off-loaded , rather like a key fitting into a lock .
7 Not only do these give details of the various products but they also often have information about how and where the products are to be used as well as tips and hints on plumbing design and techniques .
8 Mark carefully where the pipe is to be bent : do not attempt to make more than one bend at a time without checking
9 The pathologist had finished with Maurice 's body , which now lay in a chapel of rest in Maidenhead , awaiting a decision on when and where the funeral was to be held .
10 He called together all the chief priests and scribes … and enquired of them where the Christ was to be born .
11 Where the writ is to be served in a Hague Convention country the writ may be served under this rule through the Central Authority of that country or , if the law of that country permits , through the judicial authorities of that country or through a British consular authority there .
12 The terms should therefore be comprehensible to their intended users , and the desirability of clarity is even greater where the terms are to be used in transactions involving consumers .
13 Where the alternatives are to be provided , however , I believe that the Government are obliged , through the Home Office and the probation service , to fund them adequately .
14 Rule 2.3 stipulates that where the offer is to be recommended , an alternative ( if the target is listed ) to an announcement is to obtain a temporary suspension from listing followed by an announcement .
15 It is he who is making arrangements with the Transkei government to decide when and where the house is to be built .
16 The British sent troops to defend the Abadan refinery and made a secret deal with the Russians whereby at the end of the war the Russians would have control of Istanbul and the Dardanelles , and Iran would be divided between them , the Russians in the North , the British in the South , and the British influential in the " neutral " zone , where the oil was to be founded .
17 UTOPIA and NUMEROSO are camping on a deserted airfield where the city is to be built .
18 Where the property is to be transferred subject to a mortgage , or where a new mortgage is to be created , it will be necessary to obtain consents to such transactions from any occupants of the property aged eighteen years or over ( following the case of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland [ 1981 ] AC 487 ) .
19 In fact , the first Labour government which took office in January 1924 , after Baldwin had been defeated on an amendment to the Address , lasted until October , when the new government in turn was defeated on a Liberal amendment to a Conservative motion which MacDonald chose to regard as a matter of confidence ; and the Conservatives rather than the Liberals were to be the beneficiaries of MacDonald 's fall .
20 Their concentration in the inner city areas where educational provision is generally inferior , as well as the fact that a higher proportion than the British-born is to be found in unskilled and semi-skilled occupations , inevitably mean that their children do less well at schools at all levels .
21 Although the committee is to be congratulated for its lead on the need for change , this will be worthless unless it is willing to ensure implementation of those changes .
22 In relation to the question , although the work is to be performed for , and eventually paid for by , the US parent , it is the UK auditor who has been contracted to do the work .
23 Although the body was to be an EC organ it was also intended to open its membership to EFTA countries .
24 So anyway I eventually decided I still did n't know what I wanted to do , but I was aware that the beginnings and ends of lessons were a bit of a mess , so the idea was to film that .
25 Metaphysics would have been one way out , but he ca n't take that , so the alternative is to be a persecuted prophet .
26 We 'll need all the cold we can get if the ice is to be firm enough for the plane to land . ’
27 Moreover , if the tables are to be turned , the USSR will do so at a time of her choosing , rather than wait for the hour of maximum danger to herself .
28 In fact , if the course is to be ready for the opening of the season a start will have to be made at once .
29 Finally , preservation of correct bearing may be important , for example if the map is to be used for navigation .
30 If the map is to be reproduced , for example , a higher-quality end-product is obtained if the map is output onto film for subsequent printing .
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