Example sentences of "[subord] the [noun] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The only variation is in the project for elderly people , where the questions have been changed slightly to make them , more appropriate to their needs and expectations .
2 An example of this can be seen in the upper part of the Hauptdolomit in Schoonebeek-447 , where the porosity has been completely destroyed by vadose compaction and the sonic log as a typically serrated character ( Fig. 18 ) .
3 Now the grey dew had gone from the grass , pats of dung steamed where the cattle had been standing , and Cameron , in his shirt-sleeves with a cloth tying back his long black hair , was supervising the winching up of timbers for the roof .
4 Where the livestock has been rightfully detained for not less than 14 days , the person detaining it may sell it at a market or by public auction , unless proceedings are then pending for the return of the livestock or for any claim for damages done by it or expenses incurred in detaining it .
5 Answer guide : The answer should point out that a cost can be incurred which will result in both an asset , i.e. something that has a future benefit , or an expense , i.e. something where the benefit has been used up .
6 Arriving from Goldsmiths ' , where the teaching had been disciplined and informed , she encountered in the more haphazardly run Royal College ‘ an overpowering sense of vacuum ’ .
7 Almost £1m has been spent on Donegal Town , where the Diamond has been transformed from a car park to a landscaped public area .
8 It was followed by a lunch party at a local restaurant where the tables had been placed outside in the cobbled square .
9 The footpath was extended over the Middle Walk on colonnades , and the tram track removed from the road and placed on reservation where the Promenade had been .
10 The programme has been particularly helpful where the mentor has been able to support the work of the school with pupils at risk and/or with special educational needs .
11 Instead we have seen the rise of ideas like theme restaurants , where the emphasis has been on the theme and not on the quality of the food .
12 The penal jurisdiction of the county courts was to apply only where the debt had been contracted under circumstances which implied an intention to defraud ( which upset Wetherfield ) or where the debtor had the ability to pay but would not .
13 Held , dismissing the appeal ( Lord Keith of Kinkel and Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle dissenting ) , that although the common law had previously only admitted recovery of money exacted under an unlawful demand by a public authority where the payment had been made under a mistake of fact or under limited categories of compulsion , which did not apply to the payments by the building society , the nature of a demand for tax or similar impost on the citizen by the state , with the perceived economic and social consequences of non-payment stemming from the inequality of the parties ' respective positions , and the unjust enrichment falling on the state where the citizen paid an unlawful demand to avoid those consequences , warranted a reformulation of the law of restitution so as to recognise a prima facie right of recovery based solely on payment of money pursuant to an ultra vires demand by a public authority ; and that , accordingly , since the building society 's claim fell outside the statutory framework governing repayment of overpaid tax , it was entitled at common law to repayment of the sums from the dates of payments and to interest in respect thereof pursuant to section 35A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 ( post , pp. 384H , 387D , F–G , 389B , 390F — 391C , E–F , 392E , 396C , 414B–C , F–G , 415E–F , 416A–B , 417B , 418A–C , E–F , 421D–F , G ) .
14 The police have traditionally treated rape complaints with a certain reluctance and suspicion and where the complainant has been diffident about prosecution , have been only too content to let the matter drop .
15 Music played loudly from the dining-room next door , where the carpets had been rolled back so that people could dance .
16 A copy of the maternity certificate where the original has been returned to the employee , for example , where your liability for SMP has ended .
17 There were little spots of cement all along the top , where the railings had been torn out in the war .
18 The prompt action by South Pacific countries to deal with the drift-net plague provided a marked contrast to the situation in the North Pacific high seas , where the US had been dragging its heels as the Asian drift-net fleets continued to pillage the salmon , tuna , and squid resources , and kill tens of thousands of marine mammals and hundreds of thousands of sea birds , many of them in Alaskan fisheries waters .
19 However , as was pointed out by the Court of Appeal in Coward v Comex Houlder Diving Ltd ( 1988 ) ( reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-322 ) the conventional percentage does not necessarily apply where the wife had been earning a considerable sum herself prior to her husband 's death or presumably where she had a substantial private income : see also Davies v Hawes ( 1990 ) reported in Kemp & Kemp , Section M , para27-323 .
20 Where the decision has been obtained by fraud the limitation period may be extended by s32 of the Limitation Act 1980 .
21 NRA forces were reported to have committed atrocities against the civilian population in Soroti district in the east , where the government had been fighting the Uganda People 's Army ( UPA ) , led by Peter Otai ; in September it was reported that 30 NRA personnel had been arrested for the killing of 60 civilians in the area .
22 While the power of dismissal may be of limited use , where the government has been able to appoint a new rail chairman , it has the opportunity to shape a management team more in tune with its thinking .
23 In some cases , where the childhood has been unhappy or deprived , there is no such happy occasion to build upon ; in such instances I start by asking the patient to tell me what he could see as he lay in bed at night — this often brings its own feelings of security to even the unhappiest child .
24 Perhaps after a long and unpleasant time in various German prison camps in Bavaria , Czechoslovakia and Brunswick , where the prisoners had been subjected to very severe bombing raids in which a number of them were killed , he had lost some of his characteristically boyish expression , but his sense of humour had n't suffered .
25 A double line of cicatrices along his lips marked where the whip-thong had been laced .
26 The only point to note in this system of allocation is that those who bid in excess of the striking price will have priority in allocation where the issue has been oversubscribed .
27 Where the greens have been good , no matter how tough the layout has been , the scores have generally been very low . ’
28 On either side of it , where the houses had been bombed , blocks of dull flats had been built during Jarvis 's childhood .
29 Plinth heights can be varied to allow flexibility of design , as seen here where the dishwasher has been raised to a more comfortable height .
30 Where the problem arose was when there was no record of anything having been sent or what had been sent or anything .
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