Example sentences of "[subord] long [conj] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 And other people 's tragedies , other people 's danger , always provoke a certain euphoria as long as one is safe oneself . "
2 In practice this is not usually found confusing as long as one is aware of whether one is marking stress levels or intonation .
3 Surely in this sense , though , as long as everybody is guessing , guesses closer to the time of a music 's currency are at least as valid as those of any late 20th-century musicologist .
4 There is nothing wrong with subjects provided they are treated as means not ends and as long as everyone is clear about what is to be achieved through them .
5 However , the guard can be loosened and repositioned for particularly awkward jobs , as long as it is fully retightened .
6 Obviously in many cases the car is a ‘ family car ’ and as long as it is generally used for the benefit of the disabled person it can be treated as any normal family car .
7 I asked him how he would prefer to be addressed and he said you can call him what you please , as long as it is polite .
8 Baumol 's theory of contestable markets states that consumer welfare can be maximised regardless of the number of firms in an industry , as long as it is greater than one .
9 In any case there is nothing wrong in principle with handing money to shareholders through dividends or share repurchases ( as long as it is tax-efficient ) ; the money is not lost to the economy since it will be invested elsewhere .
10 Caletti 's admirable attempt at removing fear , ignorance , and stigma from sexual topics is tempered slightly by his view that prostitution is ‘ disgusting ’ and that masturbation is not harmful as long as it is not indulged in more than twice a month ( my italics ) .
11 Think of how you could be spending your time instead ; you could go swimming , make model aeroplanes or learn to yodel — it does n't matter what you do as long as it is fun !
12 As long as it is n't your wife As long as
13 The scheme applies to Peugeots up to five years old and there is no limit on cost , ‘ as long as it is a part that keeps the vehicle off the road ’ .
14 However , many firms take a fairly robust approach to allocation , using one overall basis ( such as space times fee income ) and as long as it is a fair allocation and does not distort fee rates , it provides a perfectly acceptable alternative to the more detailed method .
15 We are trying to suggest here that academic enterprise may be useful as long as it is placed in its proper social context .
16 As long as it is considered safe , the more ‘ testing ’ weather conditions can provide an extra element of challenge to a braver set of participants .
17 Young people , in their first home , can usually accept a much lower standard , as long as it is dry and warm .
18 Our housework goes on behind the scenes , unnoticed , uncounted , uncharted as long as it is unpaid .
19 There is no particular order in which to introduce them as long as it is done reasonably slowly .
20 Well , if you have a problem after , say , the tenth month after purchase , you will be too late for any claim under the Sale Of Goods Act , but you will still have a claim under your guarantee — as long as it is for more than ten months , and providing you sent off the registration card !
21 Barley is exceedingly delicate in his treatment of the great Bung Karno , the man who once stated , to wild applause from an audience of Indonesian economists , that ‘ Inflation can be good — as long as it is inflation for the Indonesian revolution ’ .
22 This is at its most practical in empathizing sufficiently to collect useful facts about a person but closing oneself to sympathy ; it is at its purest in vanity , basking in awareness from other viewpoints as long as it is of oneself .
23 ‘ If you made an incredible blunder it would n't seem to worry anybody as long as it is recorded …
24 Gilmore said , ‘ The army has worked with the civil authority to bring about a reduction in violence and will continue to do so as long as it is necessary . ’
25 There is nothing intrinsically evil about a scientific world outlook as long as it is rooted in the life and authority of God .
26 This will not , however , be achieved as long as IT is regarded as the province of mathematics , science and technology in the curriculum , and English — or other language — teachers are seen as having little part to play .
27 Whatever he says is bound to be controversial , though that does not matter as long as it is not provocative .
28 Ahmed : I think that the Union should support developments towards workers organizing around issues of oppression as long as it is within a progressive ideology .
29 The quantity and the period for leasing can be perfectly adapted to your needs : whether it is for 10 , 100 or 1000 machines ( or as many as you need ) for 4 , 8 or 12 weeks ( or as long as it is profitable for you ) .
30 Heathers are among the best shrubs for winter colour — they 're not as demanding as the summer-flowering ones , and an acid soil is n't essential , as long as it is n't very chalky .
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