Example sentences of "[subord] we [verb] [adv] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The foundation for the Kaldor view has been discussed in Lecture 3 , where we brought out its relationship with the company sector and the extent to which individuals see through the corporate veil .
2 Until we know how your son died it is difficult to be sure what is or is not relevant .
3 If we set about our task with intelligence and commitment , victory is well within our grasp .
4 I hope the result will not detract from the overall confidence of the team as the premiership is there to be won , if we keep up our record good record in the league .
5 If we eat out my favourite meal is oysters and caviar followed by asparagus with melted butter .
6 It wo n't want to stand around while we talk ; and if we get off its back and tie it to a fence , it will dig a hole in the ground through sheer impatience .
7 It is , after all , easier for us all if we know where our ‘ old folk ’ are and what they are doing .
8 It 'll only work if we give in our hundred percent , it 'll only work if you give your hundred percent .
9 It is a terrible warning to us about what could happen if we threw away our system of first past the post elections .
10 It is a terrible warning to us about what could happen if we threw away our system of first-past-the-post elections . ’
11 ‘ We would n't find any suspicious substances , then , if we turned over your mother 's house ? ’
12 It 's confidential — I mean , you would n't like it if we gave out your address would you ? ’
13 till we run out our seam
14 Did n't think it helped he 'd , just before we got there his biro had exploded in his pocket .
15 ‘ Of course I 'd like to see the house by daylight before we make up our minds .
16 Therefore , are we not wise in being extremely cautious before we hand over our money supply to a third party ?
17 A , a curtain is used to screen you off , and if it 's a very cold day we 've got infra-red heat we 've got a lamp above the he , the couch and we actually put on the infra-red heat so we warm you up first before you start , before we start so your body is feeling nice and warm and you 're feeling relaxed , we have nice music playing and it does help right , with the tension that builds up on the shoulders .
18 Comrade Yu our local interpreter is a young woman with pigtails and who is constantly breaking into smiles and laughs , especially when we try out our broken Chinese on her from time to time .
19 When we got home my mother asked if we had had a good time and Syl said with great enthusiasm that we had .
20 We got them when we packed up your mother 's house .
21 when we packed up your mother 's house .
22 As we pored over his crippled handwriting I felt a steady heat coming from his body like an aura which slowly enveloped me and seemed to penetrate the very marrow of my bones .
23 Gradually our life at Moor House lost its holiday feeling , and as we took up our usual habits and regular studies again , St John sat with us more often .
24 We stopped some distance from the bank and as we put up our rods , Stan explained the plan : ‘ Bruce , do you see that headland , over there , to the right ?
25 As we finished off our meal ,
26 We did n't realize , as we sat around my flat being filmed by the Newsnight team , that it would consume so much of our time , and of our lives .
27 As we sat over our coffee , László explained how one of Pest 's main streets , Pest 's answer to the Champs Elysées , had had five changes of name since 1948 .
28 I asked as we picked up our overnight bags and moved towards the exit .
29 Today , after a period of five short years , we are a health-conscious nation , exercising careful concern about our guests ' cholesterol levels when we invite them round to supper , looking unconcerned as yet another jogger pounds us into the pavement as we take a stroll , and reacting with sheer open-eyed shock at the sight of a plate of bacon , eggs and bangers as we spoon down our own regular morning bran cereal — or dish of F-Pan Fibre-Filler .
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