Example sentences of "[subord] i know [ex0] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 I would never have given him the sweet if I knew there was acid in it .
2 case I 'm wrong , cos I know there was a doctor 's surgery there but I , I do n't know whether it 's the Chatswold health centre it 's .
3 Because I knew there was 1000 metres — or thought there was — I flew a normal approach rather than a dedicated short field landing .
4 We spent a day together when it was finished because I knew there was going to be a fuss .
5 So far as I knew there was no Indian name for Moose Jaw , but I had a brain-wave that might help .
6 As far as I know there was never any shortage of money — our fathers sent sums regularly back from England — and I , being the youngest , was the centre of attention .
7 For I knew there were English-speaking visitors in Geneva if I could only establish communication with them ; they might be induced to take up my cause .
8 ‘ Even though I knew there was no one there .
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